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2009/08/28 23:05:41瀏覽673|回應3|推薦51 | |
引用文章誰該愛多一點 因為您選了一首我最『愛』的歌 Nothing's gonna change my love for you. 所以我決定回應您『誰該愛多一點?』的好問題!! 愛 對懂『數學』的人而言 是『加減乘除』的運算 愛+愛 =很多愛 愛 對懂『國字』的人而言 是『心』與『受』的覺知感受 愛對 愛『英文』的人而言 是 LOVE Live and learn with an open-hearted mind and value you very much even when you are old and sick because nothing's gonna change my love for you. 愛 對會『自然科學』的人而言 它是『化學變化』 愛 對『老人孩子』而言是 關愛的眼神 關照的時間 關心的態度 關懷的語氣 愛 對有『七情六欲』的人而言 像是關不住的水龍頭 像是流不盡(乾)的眼淚 像是一波未平一波又起的浪潮 生生滅滅 像是沒有就活不下去的空氣 像是、、、、、、、、、、 More or fewer ? More or less? The more the better? The fewer the worse? Haha, optimistic concepts, the more the better. Material desire, the simplier the better. Negative thoughts, the fewer the better. Happy memories, the more the better. Worries and limits, the fewer the better. Dreams and wishes, the more the better. How about " fear less, but hope more; chew more, but eat less, breathe more, but sigh less; love more, but hate no more; say more, but blame no more; express more, but lie no more; do more, but complain less; dream more, but fool around less, and happiness will follow me wherever I go."? Hahahahahaha, heheheheheh, hohohohoho 加加減減 在加減法中 減一定是少嗎? 加一定是多嗎? 很喜歡常言道→吃虧就是佔便宜 傻人有傻福 不計較的人 心寬也較有福份 煩惱也少 換個角度 減 不見得不好 加也未必一定好 但加減法的靈活運用卻能使人更幸福更美好 |
( 心情隨筆|心情日記 ) |