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Kiss me goodbye
2009/08/24 01:36:02瀏覽507|回應0|推薦42

Happy Helen 說:
Have a great dream

jerri 說:
 yeah  u too  bye
Happy Helen 說:

 one kiss is not enough  haha

Happy Helen 說:

 Kiss means

jerri 說:
 two makes a pair

Happy Helen 說:

 Kick away my laziness.

 I have to be productive on my thesis writing.

 Start " Now".

 Stop fooling around.

jerri 說:

Happy Helen 說:

jerri 說:
Put these words in ur blog, and a period at the end.

 Your friends will understand.

Happy Helen 說:
Ok,  I will do it now.

jerri 說:
 Mmm ,
really going to bed   bye

Happy Helen 說:
bye   thanks

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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