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2009/02/12 01:28:09瀏覽1086|回應1|推薦15 | |
引用文章平凡的友誼--一條絲巾的故事 The concept of " there is no perfect time and there is no ideal place to establish the solid and everlasting friendship, but a considerate and sincere heart is always required among friends." is worthy of our continued practices. Even without frenquent face-to-face interactions, friendship can be maintained in thousands of ways by following the principle of " Now" instead of waiting for special occasions or events. "Now" principle in friendship Never wait unitl it is too late to show our highest apprecition and gratitude toward our friends in different stages of life, but be active in letting our friends know how marvelous our lives are with their accompany. Openness and friendliness will result in happiness. Willingness to maintain the friendship is important, the sincere interaction is a must, sharing lots of ups and down from time to time is necessary, keeping in touch actively in diverse ways is great, and valuing the importance of the friendship is essential. Actually, tomorrow, February 12, is my classmate's birthday. While we are on our study tour, I still wish to give my classmate, Jasmine, a surprise birthday party in order to show her how much I/ we cherish the unique " Yuan" of being lifetime friends and learning partners. I will sing songs for her in front of our groups by using her name, Jasmine,and write several brief lines according to the alphabetical order of her lovely name, Jasmine, to show my appreciation of having her as a friend. Jasmine Jasmine Always wears bright smiles,has thoughtful acts, considerate and caring manners and lots of naughty but cute behaviors. Sharing something happy, enjoyable, cool, fantastic and unexpecting makes us feel great. Maintaining high spirits and novel creativity are Jasmine's specialities. Intelligent and independent girl like you will fulfill all of your dreams. Nothing's gonna stop us from loving you and you are always the best in our minds. Everlasting realtionship has already built among us because Jasmine is such a mravelous, helpful and optimistic lady forever. The songs we'll sing for her are listed below~~ Just call to say I love you Are you lonesome tonight? Stand by me My heart goes shalala / More than I can say I (愛)拼才會贏 Nothing's gonna change my love for you Everything I do I do it for you Haha, while preparing and being in rehearsal with two of my classmates, accidentally we were informed another school sister, Gabrielle, was born on the same date, February 12. Haha. So we also brainstormed for a while and came out a list of songs for a naughty girl, Gabrielle. Haha, due to the reason that she is a big girl with a childish heart and naughty acts, and she is frank to express her ideas straightforward with a sincere heart. Gabrielle Always wears the shiny smiles and takes active acts in taking advantures to something unknown. Because of your childish and unique heart, being with you is kind of pleasure. Reaching out your hands to the possibilities and cultivating your unique personality and talents will help you to realize your dreams. I love you, Gabrielle. Everything will go fine with you in your way with our best regards. Let it be you, the luckiest gril with the warmest blessings from a group of friends in life. Let the fortunate fortune and happiness knock at your door. Expect to see you a better woman who can make good use of your personal traits and talents to make the world be a better place. Here is a song list for her~~( We tend to choose songs which match up with her childish, pure, naive but sincere personality) Good morning to you. Alilan(阿里郎)~~I guess a Korean song will be perfect while we are in Korea. Because I love you Rain, rain, go away. ( Haha, she is a cute girl, so the nursery rhyme will be perfect for her.) I(愛)的真締 Eternal Flame Let it be / London Bridge Loving you E(伊比呀呀) |
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