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2008/10/03 01:30:01瀏覽838|回應2|推薦26 | |
詞曲/游家豪製作/陳子鴻 清晨的花陪微風在聊天 你像嬰兒還在靜靜地沉睡 曙光沿著樹葉滑過了屋簷 一瞬間就點亮了整個世界 青鳥啊往前飛 從人間到天邊 歌頌愛和永遠我也從不留戀 只放你在心間 從今天到無限 我們牽手寫下感謝 薄霧散去露水裝飾著新鮮 我像蝴蝶黏著窗前的玫瑰 房間都是你身上的香味 每次呼吸都讓人那麼沉醉 青鳥啊往前飛 從人間到天邊 歌頌愛和永遠我也從不留戀 只放你在心間 從今天到無限 我們牽手寫下感謝 但願每一場愛情都燦爛都甜美 世界不再有心碎 青鳥啊往前飛 從人間到天邊 歌頌愛和永遠我也從不留戀 只放你在心間 從今天到無限 我們牽手寫下感謝 從今天到無限我們牽手寫下感謝 Actually, my eyelids are too heavy to open, I still wish to leave some prints at the moment. Last night, I talked with her over the cell phone and telephone around two hours and tried my best to play a role of the friend with all ears. I tried to stand on her shoes and imagined the feeling of losing the dearest family member, the soul mate and the closest friend. She must feel bad about herself. She must feel sad for her own careless acts. She must be sorry to see this inccident happen. She couldn't accept the reality that her beloved bird, Nana, flew away alone without her accompany. She worries about her. She concerns about Nana's lonely life without her accompany. Who will feed her? Who will talk to her? Who will love her? Who will take good care of her? Who will play with her? Who will treat her nicely? Who will take her out to interact with the outter world? Who will listen to her all-heartedly? Who will tell her bedtime stories? Who will kiss her and greet good night to her? Who will kiss her and say good morning to her? Who will share her with some secrects? Who will teach her how to love and how to enjoy being loved? Who will understand the silly talks or self-talks with respect? Who will hug her whenever she needs the warmth? Who will share happiness, saddness, dreams, crazy thoughts, naive smiles with her? Who will..................................................? Every written word on any kind of surface can be erased or replaced, but whenever the word is printed or marked on the heart, the special print can't be erased or replaced no matter how. She couldn't stop blaming herself with countless self-guilty. She needed nothing but a person who showed her concerns and understanding. She needed nothing but a person who showed her respect toward her complicated emotions. She needed nothing but a person who was willing to stay with her and listen to her confession about her stupid and careless acts. She needed nothing but a crying shoulder. She needed nothing but a thoughtful heart. She needed nothing but attentive ears. She needed nothing but forgiveness from the bottom of her heart. She needed nothing but some sweet and soft voices to show " I am here with you. You are not alone to face the reality alone." She needed nothing but some encouraging statements, like " Everything happened happens with its own reasons. Everything's gonna be all right. Don't worry, be happy. Life will find its own path. Be positive. Nothing's gonna change my love for you. I am right here waiting. Tomorrow is another better day." She needed nothing but her Nana's safe and sound arrival--back home with her. The meaning of her Nana is just like the meaning of my silent friend--diary. We ended our conversation with her little prayer to God. I do hope her Nana will go back to her if possible. If there is another better arrangement, maybe that is Nana and her lesson. I do wish she feels better and walks out from the self-guilty, self-blame and the saddness of losing her best friend, her soul mate, her family member and her loved bird in her life and recovers soon. 青鳥 作詞:王中言 作曲:伍思凱 編曲:Martin Tang http://www.dpes.tc.edu.tw/lib/candle/di_12.htm 青 鳥 一個小王子有一天突然想出發尋找幸福。因為國內最偉大的巫師告訴他:「幸福是一隻青色的鳥,有著世界上最美妙清脆的歌喉,找到了之後得馬上把牠關進黃金做成的籠子裡,這樣,你就可以得到你想要的幸福。」 他不顧國王及王后的哀求及挽留,只帶了一個黃金籠子就踏上找尋幸福之路。小王子是英勇的,一路上雖有高山峻嶺阻擋,但是他都不以為懼,只因為心中的那股執著在支撐著他。他經過了許多國度,得到了很多以前從沒看過、從沒聽聞的知識,成了一個見聞廣博的人。 小王子抓過不少青色的鳥,但是總在放進黃金鳥籠後,鳥便不知為何的死去。他知道,那不是他所要尋的幸福。 後來,黃金籠顯得有些舊了,小王子也不再年輕。他突然強烈地憶起遠方的雙親。小王子回到了自己的王國,才發現人事已非。國王和王后早在他離去後沒多久,就因為過度的悲傷及思念而相繼過世。由於沒有繼承人,所以這個王國的人民為了享有庇護,漸漸的搬離到鄰國,現在的城鎮只剩下幾戶人家。 小王子落寞的走在荒涼的街頭,忽然有一個人拉住了他的衣角,盯著他懷裡的黃金籠子。那是一個髮鬢斑白的老人。 「大巫師!」小王子認出了他,失聲叫出。 「王子,我對不起你,當初不應該鼓勵你去找尋青鳥。」老人哽咽地說著,從破舊的口袋裡掏出了一件物品。「這是國王及王后臨終前要我交給你的東西,希望你好好珍藏。」說完,老巫師便搖著頭,哀傷的離開了。 小王子一看,原來那是國王為幼時的自己雕的一隻黃鶯。剎那間,所有的回憶不斷地出現,悲傷的眼淚湧出小王子的眼,他把木鳥緊緊的抱在胸前,十分地懊悔。突然,懷裡的木鳥動了動,叫出了聲音,小王子一呆,一不注意,就讓黃鶯給飛走了。 那是幸福的青鳥,而他卻來不及將牠放進黃金籠。 你有多在乎周圍的人、事、物?你知道有多少人愛著你?關心著你?而你,真正在乎過嗎? 還是,你也像小王子一樣,明明幸福就在身邊,卻仍執意要離開幸福,去找尋一個不存在的假象?
( 心情隨筆|心情日記 ) |