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The warmest gifts from my students95
2008/09/26 00:01:43瀏覽459|回應1|推薦10

引用文章Lion and Bear92 

Thanks for my dear friend and my lovely school sister who inspire me to have a creative writing practice for my students. Haha!! They inquired me what do I wish to have as a gift for upcoming Teacher's Day, I replied them with a smile--a gift with sincere regards is the best and the most valuable.

Therefore, I grouped them into several groups( each group had two or three people) and asked them to write a simple word as they wished. They came out with different words--hair, life,heart, love and happy. Later, I asked each group to send a person to have a lucky draw and decided which word they should write with creativity.

I gave them an example on the whiteboard and showed them how to write with their own ideas. The example as followed.

Hi, my dear friend

Your gift, a handmade lion with a shiny smile inspires me to write the following lines with smiles.

Lion---is the king of his kingdom and maybe you also hope to see me have a kingdom of mine where I can be myself and have a total control of my life. 

L-Lead me to feel your concerns and cares. 

I-Indicate you value our friendship very much. 

O-Oh, yeah. I shall be an open-minded lion who has the courage to open up my ears to hear something sweet, open up my heart to feel the love from friends, open up my mouth to express myself sweetly and share something positive all-heartedly, open up my arms to accept others’ good intention genuinely.

N-Noticing the importance of maintaining relationships and show respect, appreciation, and love with a handmade gif are always touching.

I cherish your handmade gift and thanks for your magic spells from the smiling lion.


Before they wrote, I told them what they wrote would be a marvelous gift for me and I will cherish their creative writing as my precious present for this special Teacher's Day. While they were writing, I was also using each of their names to write a note and wished to encourage them to have a brighter attitude toward countless challedges ahead, especially, they are under the pressure  in junior high school.

I am so touched to recieve their creative writing as my gifts, the warmest gifts from those naive students. Thanks for their sincere feedback and I do enjoy reading their writing and the meanings and thoughts between lines.

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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2008/09/26 02:04
A creative teacher produces creative and brilliant students. Good for you and lucky for your students, Helen.