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2009/06/13 16:24:20瀏覽874|回應0|推薦1 | |
Dear Cecilia, I am so glad that you finally decide to settle down and run your own sweet & happy family with your loved one. It is a special “Yuan” to find your missing piece. It takes luckiness, courage and braveness to get married with your loved one. It takes wisdom, consideration, respect, thoughtfulness, acceptance and love to run a happy marriage and sweet marriage. I used to read several nice quotes and would like to share them with you as my sincere regards and genuine blessings from the bottom of my heart. A very beautiful quote concerning," Promise"---" If you are cold at night, let the promise of my love cover you like a warm blanket.” quoted by Matthew White. A very creative German proverb, " Promises are like the full moon, if they are not kept at once they diminish day by day.". An imaginary Arabian proverb, " A promise is a cloud; fulfillment is rain." A realistic one quoted by Teddy Pendergrass, " Life didn't promise to be wonderful." A down-to-earth one quoted by Robert Service," A promise made is a debt unpaid.". A thought-provoking one, " Promises are like babies: easy to make, hard to deliver.". A thoughtful one quoted by Norman Vincent Peale, "Promises are like crying babies in a theater, they should be carried out at once." An encouraging one quoted by Denis Waitley, " Losers make promises they often break; winners make commitments they always keep." An inspiring one quoted by George Washington, " In executing the duties of my present important station, I can promise nothing but purity of intentions, and in carrying these into effect, fidelity and diligence." Marriage is a lifetime promise to keep. Here comes my sincere "PROMISE" which is regarded as ~~~~ Priceless commitment Responsibilities to take Oh, I am here to witness your changes and growth, lighten your burden and fears, fight with you for the better tomorrows. Merrier moments or sorrowful moments, the poor or the wealth, sickness or health, good days or bad days, I am always here with you. I do care for you and I do appreciate your understanding and your company all the time in all the way. Shhhhhhh!! Silence is golden. Listening with all ears is the key to know you deeply and completely. Eye on your GOOD parts and accept your bad parts and let's work together to be a better person who deserves positive tomorrows. Haha, Cecilia ---wish you a happy marriage forever with the one you love and your happiness will be always fulfilled like a full moon. Wish you a promising future with promising dreams and actions in your promising marriage with your loved one. Hahaha, I am so talkative and I would like to share you my understanding of marriage as my SUPER gift for you, especially on your wedding day. Here comes my best regards with the word, “ Marriage.” M stands for--Man and Woman---Man and woman fall in love and decide to run their own family A stands for--Ability---they will learn how to play their own roles well step by step, little by little. Sooner or later, they will have the ability to handle their problems in the marriage in their precious life. R stands for--Responsibility---They should be responsible and share the happiness and sadness together. R stands for --Respect--- They should do their best to respect their parents and parents-in-law. I stands for --Impossible---Nothing is impossible. They can face the difficulties together, they can find out the proper solutions to every problem. They can overcome the challenges and welcome their own lovely children. A stands for--Appreciation--- Man and woman learn how to appreciate the differences that marriage has brought them. G stands for--Gain or lose---You gain some and you lose some. That is marriage. E stands for--Enjoyment---Enjoying being with your MR. Right and his family will lead you to a successful marriage. The dates with him after marriage are always necessary to maintain a better and sweeter relationship. Here comes my warmest regard with the word, “ DATE.” Dates are those wonderful and memorable moments a couple share together.( It is an inspiring idea to clear the barriers and shorten the distance in diverse relationships. ) Do arrange some time to get together and enjoy some happy hours, troublesome issues, sorrowful moments, inspiring talks, leisure time or talk about good old days. Appreciate others' efforts in managing a better relationship. Tenderness, sweetness, gentleness and kindness and consideration make dates full of touching moments and unforgettable memories. Experiences of the successive and successful dates are the best teachers. I would like to share you a nice and inspiring article I used to read which is about the management and creativity of the successful marriage婚姻有經營和創意 婚姻有經營和創意 家政學校的最後一門課是《婚姻有經營和創意》,主講老師是學校特地聘請的一位研究婚姻問題的教授。他走進教室,把隨手攜帶的一疊圖表掛在黑板上,然後,他掀開掛圖,上面用毛筆寫著一行字── 婚姻的成功取決於兩點: 1. 找個好人。 2. 自己做一個好人。 「就這麼簡單,至於其他的秘訣,我認為如果不是江湖偏方,也至少是些老生常談。」教授說。 這時台下嗡嗡作響,因為下面有許多學生是已婚人士。 不一會兒,終於有一位三十多歲的女子站了起來,說:「如果這兩條沒有做到呢?」教授翻開掛圖的第二張,說:「那就變成 4 條了。」 1. 容忍,幫助,幫助不好仍然容忍。 2. 使容忍變成一種習慣。 3. 在習慣中養成傻瓜的品性。 4. 做傻瓜,並永遠做下去。 教授還未把這 4 條念完,台下就喧嘩起來,有的說不行,有的說這根本做不到。 等大家靜下來,教授說:「如果這 4條做不到,你又想有一個穩固的婚姻,那你就得做到以下 16 條。」接著教授翻開第三張掛圖。 1. 不同時發脾氣。 2. 除非有緊急事件,否則不要大聲吼叫。 3. 爭執時,讓對方贏。 4. 當天的爭執當天化解。 5. 爭吵後回娘家或外出的時間不要超過 8 小時。 6. 批評時話要出於愛。 7. 隨時準備道歉。 8. 謠言傳來時,把它當成玩笑。 9. 每月給他或她一晚自由的時間。 10. 不要帶著氣上床。 11. 他或她回家時,你一定要在家。 12. 對方不讓你打擾時,堅持不去打擾。 13. 電話鈴響時的時候,讓對方去接。 14. 口袋有多少錢要隨時報帳。 15. 堅持消滅沒有錢的日子。 16. 給你父母的錢一定要比給對方父母的錢少。 教授念完,有些人笑了,有些人則歎起氣來。 教授聽了一會兒,說:「如果大家對這16條感到失望的話,那你只有做好下面的256條了,總之,兩個人相處的理論是一個幾何級數理論,它總是在前面那個數字的基礎上進行二次方。」 接著教授翻開掛圖的第四頁,這一頁已不再是用毛筆書寫,而是用鋼筆,256條,密密麻麻。教授說:「婚姻到這一地步就已經很危險了。」這時台下響起了更強烈的喧嘩聲。不過在教授宣佈下課的時候,有的人坐在那兒沒有動,他們流下了淚。 愛一個人──要了解,也要開解;要道歉,也要道謝;要認錯,也要改錯;要體貼,也要體諒;是接受,而不是忍受;是寬容,而不是縱容;是支持,而不是支配;是慰問,而不是質問;是傾訴,而不是控訴;是難忘,而不是遺忘;是彼此交流,而不是凡事交代;是為對方默默祈求,而不是向對方諸多要求;可以浪漫,但不要浪費;可隨時牽手,但不隨便分手。 愛情不一定要完美,但是要有那份堅持的執著! My dear Cecilia, I am so happy that I can participate in your wedding party and share your happiness with you. All I want to say is simple~~~要幸福唷!要幸福唷!要幸福唷!要幸福唷!要幸福唷!要幸福唷!要幸福唷!要幸福唷!要幸福唷!要幸福唷!要幸福唷!要幸福唷! Helen 正芳 |
( 心情隨筆|心情日記 ) |