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知識學習語言 2009/06/21 00:41:00

Jmom, I make a boyfriend.

Mdon’t you think it’s too young for you to make a boyfriend.

JI don’t think so.

Mwhere did you meet each other.

Jwe met each other on a blind date.

MA blind date? And then?

Jafter that, he asked me out.

MWell, when did you start it?

JIt’s almost three months.

MYou can take him home next time, and then we can have a dinner together.

JOk, I will. I go out with him now.

MBe careful.


Bbaby~I miss you so much.

JMe too.

Bare you hungry now?

Ja little bit.

Blet’s go to a dinner. What do you want to eat?

Jhow about steak?

Bit’s a good idea. I know a new restaurant. The steak there is delicious.

Jok! Let’s go.

BTime flies, you have to go home now.


BI don’t want to separate with you. My sweetheart

Jme too

Bcome on, give me a kiss good bye

Jsorry, I should go now. It’s too late.

VIt has been a long time since we last met.

JYeah. Long time no see.

VHow are you doing these days?

JI make a boyfriend.

VReally? You look not very happy.

JActually, I have some problems with my boyfriend.

VWhat happened? Don’t you hit it off?

JWe get along with each other very well, but we don’t have anything in common.

VThat’s too bad. I think maybe you can try someone else.

JAre you kidding?

VNo, I am serious. I think you can look for another guy who has chemistry with you.

JThank you. It’s a good idea. I will try it.

VGood luck.







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