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2006/12/30 02:14:11瀏覽855|回應1|推薦19 | |
耶誕節過了,收到的禮物能派上用場的多半用了,不喜歡不適用的,也有了該去或可去的地方。 今年我收到最特別的禮物,是兒子(12歲)送的一首詩。 他把詩抄寫在紙上,放進空的衛生紙紙筒中,再仔細地包成糖果的樣子,顏色醒目,小巧迷人。重點是,他不是一個手巧的孩子,能做成這個有模有樣的糖果包裝,讓我很感動。 以下是他的詩: The Magic Box I will put in the box the tapping of the tail of a tall teddy called Timmy, water gushing from the mouth of an Atlantean god, a Christmas cookie cooking on the cooking pot. I will put in the box a scare crow lifting his hat, a mug of the darkest water of Loch Ness, a dancing flame from a forest fire. I will put in the box three velvet wishes in Haïwanese, the last movie of a famous film director, the first of a to-be-famous magazine. I will put in the box Flooded deserts and dry rainforests, The Joker saving the day And Spiderman robbing a bank. My box is fashioned from diamond, crystal and gold, With a hard rock lid and metal corners, Its hinges are made of Guitar strings. I shall rock in my box, Rock with my friends Then gently fall asleep And wake up in my bed.
( 心情隨筆|家庭親子 ) |