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2010/09/29 21:31:29瀏覽212|回應0|推薦9 | |
在幽暗小酒吧的一角,也許因為這首歌而愛上你,就算天亮前就該告別。 淺酌之後的微醺最美,你這樣說,但心卻是毫無設防之際,脆弱的可以,一句唱進心坎的歌聲就讓人模糊了雙眼,台上聚著焦,失意人們躲在黑夜裡流下無聲的淚。 人生啊!不過一首歌就能唱盡,短暫須臾,那麼在這相遇的時刻愛上一場吧!街燈下的擁吻、星夜裡無言的告白,或許會在宿醉中醒來,而愛情本如夢也應釋懷。 只為情歌癡迷,你我都盡了興! Rosa 2010/09/25 killing me softly with his song *Strumming my pain with his fingers 他用手指輕撫我的傷痛 Singing my life with his words 歌詞唱出了我的人生 Killing me softly with his song 他的歌溫柔得迷死人 Killing me softly with his song 他的歌溫柔得迷死人 Telling my whole life with his words 歌詞道盡了我的一生 Killing me softly with his song 他的歌溫柔得迷死人 I heard he sang a good song 我聽說他歌唱得很好 I heard he had a style 極具個人風格 And so I came to see him 於是我特地前來 To listen for a while 欣賞他的演唱 And there he was, this young boy 他出現了,這位年輕男孩 A stranger to my eyes(*) 我眼中的陌生人 I felt all flushed with fever 我感到臉紅,全身發燙 Embarrassed by the crowd 在群眾面前覺得不好意思 I felt he found my letters 他看到了我寫的紙條 And read each one out loud 大聲的讀著每一個字 I prayed that he would finish 我祈禱著他能趕快唸完 But he just kept right on(*) 但他卻一直唸著 He sang as if he knew me 但他卻一直唸著 In all my dark despair 在我最陰暗沮喪的時候 And then he looked right through me 然後,他看向我這邊來 As if I wasn't there 好像我不存在似的 And he just kept on singing 他繼續唱著 Singing clear and strong(*) 清晰而有力的唱著 |
( 心情隨筆|心情日記 ) |