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(轉) 動保陳情活動預告-2012-06-09 14:30 - 17:30
2012/03/03 11:53:56瀏覽493|回應0|推薦36




2012年6月9日    14:3017:30

    Taiwan, heavenly for people, hellish for pets. To make pets' lives better, we need your voice.
    BRING THE SUNSHINE IN! and get the poor strayed pets out of the hell of darkness.

    The animal protection environment in Taiwan is nothing but a living hell for the strayed pets. In addition to incomplete of animal protective regulations, bunch of so-called Animal Protection Leeches suck blood from the miserable pets and eventually kill them.

    Those friendly but live-in-hell pets, who can’t speak for themselves, who can’t complain to anyone, are all at stake. Many thanks to the warmhearted foster parents, who saw the misery and put all their energy and money in the rescue of the strayed pets. Those who ever put effort in animal protection on this land know that, pets rescue campaign are essentially deliberately blocked by some selfish people just to suffice their material desire.

    Those kind people in the pets rescue campaign feel so impotent, because sunshine never exists in this dark hades, no matter how hard they try. Tears and sweat from genuine animal protectors never stops.

    Who blocks the sunshine away? Who manipulates destinies of the poor hairy kids? Who makes the foster parents hopeless and heartbroken? It’s the Animal Protection Leeches, who, in the name of animal protections, swindle wealth from people who care about strayed pets!

    Now, we’d like to appeal to strayed pets protectors to join us pleading, to the Ministry of the Interior, for a thin chance for those poor kids’ life, and make all the resources from community truly put in use of pets rescue. Therefore, we call for regulations requiring all pets protection or fostering association proclaim their financial statements.

    We’d like plead to the Ministry of the Interior make all the finance of the related associations under jurisdiction public, and make all the donations supervised by the public, enabling decent pets protection groups more resources in rescuing strayed pets. Please join us, and put away all the abhorrent Animal Protection Leeches ,and BRING THE SUNSHINE IN!




�X�B: (轉貼)台灣動保人士大團結,到內政部陳情「籲請內政部強制規定動保協會必須公告收支」,徹底消滅動保蟑螂! - 貓喵亂講~XD - udn部落格 http://blog.udn.com/yyy2k/6165115#ixzz1o1RZMQcd
( 休閒生活雜記 )
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