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2010/07/09 15:21:52瀏覽589|回應0|推薦1 | |
Encounter is the beautiful scenery of life, a wave, a smile, a greeting between the two strangers . Then separate, disappear in the vast flow of people . Coming and gone weave the colorful daily life. Every day we meet by chance. shorten the the distance between people and reduce the suspicion and increase deep understanding. And gather the warm feelings of our inner soul far away from the forest, coast and soften our human heart. Every day we are repeating the same stories with changable actors, the only unchanged is the touching heart, a sensible feeling. No matter you're a god or a beggar, rich or poor, a warm hand, a smiling face, the friendship will remain in each other's heart. Although we head for different goal and purposes, but the same is the familiar figure, sounds and the walking posture. In the exchange of greetings, a smile, a pose, a gesture, a word will remind me of you unintentionally. A carefree encounter with truehearted feeling happened so naturally, gone in silence, The taste of encounter is such a light, gentle missing. The autumn, or winter came and gone, only love reamined. This is the most pure harmony, this is a beautiful exposure, may be we don't have a chance to say hi and good bye.In a blink of time, we learn to let it go with deepest blessing. In the journey of life, we meet; in the wider world, we meet again. Meeting and reunion is an eternal song, we had fun, enjoy the off, contented with, treasure. This is the calm elegance, even a touch of feeling. This is the most true feeling, the most beautiful heart, the most real emotion, the most lightly feeling ,no burden. an elegant drawing, a light flower-smelled aroma.no worry, no distractions; no worry, less entanglement. 最美是相遇 相逢是人生美麗的風景,一個揮手,一個微笑,一聲問候,把兩個素不相識的人聯繫在一起。然後又各自分開,又消失在蒼茫的人流裏。人生的相逢和相遇就每天這樣來了、去了。 每一天我們都在重複著相遇,而每一天又在重複著相逢。就在相遇和重逢裏,縮短了人心彼此的距離,減少了猜疑,達成了默契。在離與聚的瞬間,一腔暖暖的情懷從心底裏滑過來,穿越思想那片森林,穿透心靈的海岸,也穿越著人性的柔軟。 每一天我們都重複著同樣的故事,故事裏的主人每天又在變換,唯一不變的是一份心動,一絲情懷。不管你是上帝還是乞丐,不論你是貧民還是富足,一隻手伸過來,一個微笑遞過來,一份友情就停留在你我的心上。雖然我們的路線不同,目的不同,但相同的是熟悉的身影,毫不陌生的聲音和那行走的姿態。 在互致的問候中,在一個微笑裏,在一個姿勢裏,有意或無意的惦記你,偶爾也想起你,那麼熟悉的臉龐,那麼親切的笑容,那麼謙遜的風度,那麼幽雅的身姿,那麼隨意的談吐。有意也是無意,就在無意和有意中就想起你。 一份最美的淡泊,一腔最真的情懷,自自然然、真真切切地發生,悄無聲息的流逝。這種相逢的味道,有點兒淡然,有點兒掛牽,有時也有點兒懷念。 秋去了,冬又來,人走了,情還在。這是最純潔的相處,這是最美的一個接觸,可能來不及寒喧,可能來不及握手,可能來不及說一聲再見。然而,就在這樣君子之交淡如水的平白裏,使你茅塞頓開,叫你多了一分感慨,添了一份處世不驚的泰然。 在人生的旅途中,我們遇見;在大千世界裏,我們重逢。相遇和重逢是一首永恆不變的歌,我們快樂過、欣賞過、知足著、珍惜著。這既是從容的風采,更是淡淡的情懷。 這是最真的情懷,也是最美的心動,這是最真的情感,也是最美的淡然。因為如此,沒有負擔,可以放得起、提得下,可以輕鬆地賞識留給你的一幅優雅,和一種淡如花香的心境。不必煩惱,沒有雜念;不必擔憂,少了糾纏。 from : 網路文章流傳 revised by emma
( 心情隨筆|心靈 ) |