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Friendship between opposite sex shared by C
2010/05/21 00:12:53瀏覽472|回應0|推薦4

Friendship between opposite sex  revised by Emma

      No one is willing to be lonely, no one is resistible against the love between opposite sex than the same-sex attraction, It will comfort you, care about you more than the same-sex.
If you have an opposite sex, then you should be happy, such as rain, moisturize your daily dry season.
    Opposite sex friendship starts from mutual appreciation, mutual love, and never takes a further step into the conversation of love affairs then you can enjoy the secure commitment in between.
     The cozy trust brings the admiration, security and the warm spiritual support from each other.
    How many people will envy your happiness, how many people will sometimes call this pure and decent friendship. But, this true love is rarely happened in our daily life.
   Love between men and women like mountain climbing, While you reach the peak of the mountain, you will collect all the unlimited beautiful scenery in your eyes !
   First of all, the endless sky floating, butterflies flying, birds chirping let your heart feel mesmerized,
      But, you're hungry, the beauty can’t feed your tummy .
      So, you climb down the mountain, The way back home is so simple but heavy, You need to face the reality of life, but the family warmth and kid’s love will soothe your soul.
      So, you and your opposite sex friendship keep a bigger distance than before.
    Between men and women, if you can not avoid the temptation, How much love can withstand wind, frost, snow and rain under the hardship? How many tears can stand the loneliness aggrieved collision?
     Men ~ Women ~ friendship ~ Love ~ Valentine ~ pedestrians, this is the way thousands of people come through with blood and tears . Either you allow yourself to become his wife, either, you take it as a common friendship with more tolerance ,appreciation and understanding. If you are wise, you would better get rid of the nuance and keep it simple as a normal friend..
    Valentine, will always be the world's most sad term with tears.
Just be friends! Best friend, with heterosexual fun, but no distress among lovers. If you have this friendship, you'll be happy, but must be alert! cross the gate,  you will become painful. Bless you, with this friendship, and thank you, let others have the fun. 







首先一望無際的天色讓你的心先行沉醉,蝶兒飛來,小鳥脆鳴,偶或間雜著一縷溪水,聲聲纏綿著高山流水的歡娛。 你醉了,你的心中眼中只有這無限美好的風景,兩耳兩眼之間,惟有這聲聲甜蜜、疊疊翠碧。










( 心情隨筆心靈 )
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