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it's worthy to know a good woman
2010/07/08 19:05:34瀏覽381|回應0|推薦5

Knowing a good woman is a lifetime wealth

Woman, is the world's most moving music. Because of female talent make the world so colorful . So good women are the world's most moving chapter. A Good woman is as soft as the river, her explaining the world day and night. Her own sweet irrigate the worldfarm. Her purest clarify every corner of the world. To be a woman is blessed, to be a good woman is proud. A good woman uses her spring hand to soothe the world's pain and sow the vivid life. A good woman's mother love brings the life to the world.but also a pride. Good woman is Xuxu De spring. Brings tears, and warm. Her own gentle hand A good woman is like the unchained melody showing us the hope and highly sipirt. Agood woman is the May shower bringing us the June flowers. A good woman have a sense of wisdom to understand all the man and to control the world. A good woman has a touched eyes to care of the world's need. A good woman has the soft power to strenghten a weak man's heart. A good woman uses her tenderness to melt the coldest world. A good woman keep passing the great love forward. A good woman has a tough will to conquer hardship.A good woman is the wonderful wine to sip.A good woman is the best book to read in your whole life.To be a woman is blessed, to be a good woman is proud. It'e the best music to hear in your life. Be a woman and be a eslite woman!

女人,是這個世界上最動人的樂曲。世界因為有了女人才生動起來。所以好女人是這個世界上最動人的篇章。    好女人,柔情似水。好女人是一汪清澈的水灣,她用自己的清純,解說著這個世界的朝朝暮暮。她用自己的甘甜,灌溉著世間的萬頃桑田。她用自己的純美,薰染著世間的每一個角落。做女人是幸福的,做一個好女人,更是一種驕傲。好女人是徐徐的春風。柔柔的,暖暖的。她用自己的溫存的雙手,撫平了世間的悲涼;她用自己的雙手,播撒了人間的勃勃生機;她用自己的春風似的母愛,將生命帶到了世間,讓生命唱出激昂的樂章。好女人是一支韻味無盡的旋律。那平平仄仄的韻律,那抑揚頓挫的音調,給生活帶來了無限的風采。在失意的時候,好女人是一支昂揚的旋律,帶你走向希望。在得意的時候,好女人是一支積極向上的進行曲,激發你走向更高的頂峰。好女人是春雨。久旱的春天裏,是她帶來了萬物的生機。那破土而出的小草,那爭奇鬥豔的鮮花,那參天的大樹,那牛背上的笛聲……,都在女人的目光中,成長起來。好女人是睿智的。她懂得怎麽去理解男人的世界,懂得怎樣去掌握這個世界。她會用自己的動人的眼眸,去觀察著這個世界的每一個角落,去化解這個世界的每一個遺憾。好女人是多情的。她懂得怎麽去用自己的柔情去喚醒男人征服世界的鬥志。她會用自己的溫情去融化世間的寒冰。用自己的情愛,播撒著世間的真情。好女人是霸氣的。她們都有巾幗不讓鬚眉的英姿,擁有天地間不服輸的豪爽。她們會用自己的勞動創造著自己的價值,為世界創造著財富。她們都是花木蘭的後裔,都是梁紅玉的傳人,都是 居里 夫人的驕傲……她們用自己的勤勞,譜寫著一代代女強人之歌。好女人是一杯香茗,需要細細的品味。好女人是一杯甘醇,需要你細細的品嘗。好女人是一本名著,是一本你用一生的時間也讀不透的好書。做一個女人,是幸福的。做一個好女人,是驕傲的。因為她們是這個世界上最動人的樂曲。做一個女人,更要做一個精品的好女人。

( 心情隨筆心靈 )
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