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一首老歌 - The first time ever I saw your face.
2011/02/10 23:10:03瀏覽2385|回應15|推薦118
Quotes from commenters on Youtube:

  "A timeless classic"

"The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face" is a 1957 folk song written by Ewan MacColl for his wife Peggy Seeger. It was popularized by Roberta Flack and became a breakout hit for the singer after it appeared in the 1971 Clint Eastward film Play Misty for Me. Though the song first appeared on Flack's 1969 album First Take, it topped the Billboard Hot 100 and won the Grammy Award for Song of the Year three years later."

A legendary old song with different versions sung by many famous singers.
Pure and simple music with lyrics that might touch your heart deeply.
I personally prefer the Reberta version.
How about you ?

The first time ever I saw your face
I thought the sun rose in your eyes
And the moon and the stars were the gifts you gave
To the night and the empty skies my love
To the night and the empty skies
The first time ever I kissed your mouth
I felt the earth turn in my hand
Like the trembling heart of a captive bird
That was there at my command my love
That was there at my command
The first time ever I lay with you
And felt your heart beat close to mine
I thought our joy would fill the earth
And would last 'till the end of time my love
And would last 'till the end of time
The first time ever I saw your face
I thought the sun rose in your eyes
And the moon and the stars were the gifts you gave
To the night and the empty skies my love
To the night and the empty skies
( 休閒生活音樂 )
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2011/02/14 04:28

我喜歡原唱者Roberta 的聲音與她的神情。在歌唱裡域﹐她把這首歌唱的出她的感情。

LeYeah (就(再)糗一下吧!)
Nice Folk Song
2011/02/11 13:28

It sounds like the easy listening music you hear in the elevators. It's very relaxing.

俗 客【達摩祖師的故事】
The first time ever I saw your face
2011/02/11 12:58
懷念的旋律 很有情調
I like it so much


阿計 Edith
Good song
2011/02/11 09:52

Good song!

Beautiful Memory!

2011/02/11 00:56
黑人靈歌﹐好幽美。我記得這是很早的歌﹐但不朽!! 如冬季裡的棉棉白雪﹐感傷慧黠的曲子﹐讓人心折。

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