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Free download and Setup on Win7 Renault CAN clip V170
2017/09/04 16:51:22瀏覽163|回應0|推薦0

Topic: Renault CAN clip V170 free download, bugs fix and setup installation.

Renault CAN clip V170 free download on Mega:


key: !a94JfYiSSSwL4HGwmCfpmK4u5_l377wEJKQVczCdiZ8

PS: Not confirm if it is available forever

Renault CAN clip V170:

No new vehicles but fix some bugs, details shown as below picture.

renault can clip v170

Renault CAN clip V170 software compatible interfaces:


Other interfaces try at your own luck.

Can CLIP V170 Test Report:

  • OBDII diagnostics…(OK)

Cover Renault car from 1998-2016, accessible to ENGINE, automatic gear shifting, Air conditioning system, SRS, ABS, ASR, MPL, GM, IMMO, KEYZESS GO system, OBD-I I and so on.

  • Renault can clip reprogramming (OK)

Clip will tell you if there is a new version to install, depending on what version of Renault reprog you have… if you do not have reprog, the only way to find out if there is a new version, is to with a diagnostics machine read the actual version installed. As for the benefits, new versions are usually released to resolve glitches that have been in the mean time discovered, to improve drivability, fuel consumption etc… also as the engines get worn and old, new software can adjust things to make is drivability a bit better… most of the times you will not see any difference after a software update, unless a real obviously glitch has been identified and a new version has been released to resolve it. I hope all the above makes some sense, and somehow answers your question…


  • Renault can clip key programming & ECU programming (No luck with can clip V170)

The Renault-COM diagnostic programming toolis verified ok to perform key programming and ECU programming.


Renault Can CLIP V170 setup on WIN7 32bit:

Important Notes:

Operating System: Win7 32bit

Step 1: run Crack Renault CLIP

Insert CAN CLIP 170 disk E: and open it

Copy the folder Activation(Patch V3) to Desktop, then open it

Open Crack Renault CLIP registration entries: Merge

Register Editor: click Yes.

Click OK.


Step 2: install Renault CLIP 170

Run setup.exe

CLIP V170 is running automatically


Click the laptop icon (FIRST INSTALLATION) in CLIP V170 interface.

Click on “I accept…agreement” and click Next.

Select country. (here, select OTHER COUNTRY). and click on Next.

Select a setup language and click Next.

Manufacturer: Renault. click Next.

Click Next to begin copying files.

Installing clip…

Updating your system…

Next to install Windows Resource Kit Tools

Click on “I agree” then Next

User information: Next

Install now

Installing progress…

Finish to install Windows Resource Kit Tools

RESTART your computer


Extracting 100%

RESTART your computer

Finish installation of CLIP 170

Renault can clip installation success


Step 3: setup CLIP properties

Open CLIP properties on Desktop

Open file location:

Cut RSRWin application in local disk C:/ CLIP_X91/ Lib/ Application

Paste it on Desktop

Copy RSRWin application on Desktop/Activation (Patch V3)

And paste the RSRWin (from Desktop) in local disk C:/ CLIP_X91/ Lib/ Application

Close CLIP properties

Step 4: register CLIP

Run RSRWin application in local disk C:/ CLIP_X91/ Lib/ Application

Accept the license and register CLIP

Are you part of the Renault Network? Select No.

Enter the unlocking code with the picture guide Renault Clip Registeration Step 4 in the folder Activation(Patch V3)

then click Confirm.

Registration successful: click OK.

Replace “RSRWin” in C:\CLIP_X91\Lib\Application with”RSRWin” on Desktop

Step 5: install Renault can clip 170 driver software

Wizard helps install software for 1B-Alliance Vehicle Communication Interface

Select: Install…automatically


Finish installation of software for 18B-Alliance Vehicle Communication Interface

Open Computer management

Select 1B-Alliance Vehicle Communication Interface


Step 6: open Renault CLIP v170 to begin diagnosis

Run CLIP Renault software

There will be a computer security alert. Just click Unlock.


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