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How To Activation CGDI Prog Key Programmer
2017/09/11 22:15:14瀏覽142|回應0|推薦0

CGDI Prog BMW MSV80 BMW CGDI Prog Car Key Programmer for BMW CAS1/CAS2/CAS3/CAS3+ Key Matching and All key lost

CGDI Car Key programmer for BMW CAS1/CAS2/CAS3 CGDI Key Prog Support CAS4 /CAS 4+ Key Matching and All key lost
CGDI Key Programmer BMW CGDI is high technical products which mainly doing Auto diagnose, programming, security maintenance.
CGDI Prog BMW MSV80 Key Programmer For BMW Features: software response fast, short time programming, its has new breakthrough in operation safety and technical support. BMW CGDI MSV80 Auto Key Programmer CGDI MSV80 BMW Car Key Programmer with OBD Functions

CGDI Prog BMW Activation procedure
CGDI Start displays “Device activation time remaining -1 days”, it means the device is not active.


Click on “Active”


Copy the SN and send it to the supplier www.fobdii.com , and not close this dialog.

Input the activation code, click on “Active”.


CGDI Prog is activated, please wait until it succeed.


Restart CGDI Start and you can see it displays “Device activation time remaining 90 days”, CGDI activation succeed and CGDI Pro is working.


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