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Feed-back For Kess V2 V2.23 Version En Ligne Firmware V5.017
2017/09/18 22:29:35瀏覽131|回應0|推薦0
Online version Kess V2 Firmware V5.017 supports online service, can work with internet, no need tokens, read and write ECU via OBD2 port directly, no need to disassemble ECU, easy to use. It supports 140 protocols, plus gray protocols. Safer and more stable!

KESS V2 V5.017 Top ECU Chip Tuning Features:
1. Online version Kess V2 Firmware V5.017 supports online service via internet connection
2. 100% no need tokens for all vehicles, no button reset, you can use Kess V5.017 for life
3. Kess V2 Ksuite V2.23 Firmware V5.017 covers all major brands and protocols, including Line, KAN, EDC17 and MED17 and for Ford J1850.
4. KESS V2 V5.017 supports all protocols such as EDC17 / k-line / DSG / DQ200 DQ250 DQ500 Gearbox / ST10 ...., More gray protocols
5. KESS V2 V5.017 supports cars / trucks / tractors / bikes! KESS V2 supports attaching vehicles to the engine. Then V5.017 KESS V2 can support new vehicles!
6. Kess V2 V5.017 can read and write ECU via the OBD2 port directly, no need to disassemble the car's ECU, easy to use.
7. Multi-languages: English, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, French.
8. Works on Win XP / Windows 7 32 bit, Win 8, etc.
9. We recommend LED BDM Frame and PDF + EGR Remover to work together
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