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VVDI Key Tool V2.3.8 Update First Impressions
2017/08/06 13:36:21瀏覽58|回應0|推薦0

Original XHORSE VVDI Key Tool English Version V2.3.9

Xhorse VVDI Key Tool remote maker supports most common remote types in the market; it is reliable and easy to use.

VVDI key tool remote generator can perform these functions:

Edit transponder, clone transponder, test frequency, clone Remote, generate remote, generate garage door remote controller, unlock smart card etc. In a word, Xhorse VVDI Key Tool is a device with multi-functions.

Free Download VVDI key Tool V2.3.9:

VVDI Key Tool V2.3.8 Update Feature [2017-07-16] 
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Firmware version: V2.0.2
Attention: This update only for North American or India English version(na,na-en,in,in-en). Other languages will be released on next week, please get Device Info to check language version.
This version must be updated with V2.3.8 and above. The upgrade may take about 30 minutes
1.transponder clone
+add chrysler 4D-64(4E) clone
+add toyota-G offline clone
+add hyundai ID-70 online clone(Use Calculate option in upgrade software)
+add ford ID-83 online clone(Use Calculate option in upgrade software)
+add ID-4A identify
2.generate transponder
+add toyota-G to generate special transponder
3.remote renew
+add more than 86 remote&keyless go prox unlock
4.remote prepare
*fixed XN serial keys problem on ID47 such as suzuki
5.add more vehicles data and fixed some bugs

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