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Difference between VVDIProg and VVDI2 Key Programmer
2017/07/31 12:29:22瀏覽68|回應0|推薦0
Original V4.6.0 Xhorse VVDI PROG Programmer

The built-in update software allows user to update VVDI Prog firmware timely. High-speed USB communication interface enable the software automatically connect. Smart operation mode: the possible causes of error will be listed Reserve ports: for future update. The self-test function enable you check if the machine works well.

Difference between VVDIProg and VVDI2 Key Programmer

Item Name

Xhorse VVDI 2

Xhorse VVDI Prog
UpdateUpdate onlineUpdate online
Odometer correction
ECU programming
Key programming
Key learn
Program EEPROM
Program ECU
Program MCU
Pin Code Calculation
operation systemXP and WIN7XP and WIN7
Tool function coveredVVDI 2=VVDI options 
+ BMW Multi Tool options
+Porsche options+J2534(free)
Remote control generation(free)…..more other function
VVDI PROG=(BMW ISN READ)+(EERPOM read)+(mcu read MOTO 9S12,5M48****)+PIN Code Calculation(more pin coder Algorithm, than 40 type)
PS: simply says

VVDI Prog is mainly used to read and write chips
VVDI2 support diagnosis, key programming and odometer correction

VVDI2 and VVDIProg is perfect combination, they usually use together
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