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現在剛看完電視上的電影 A short stay in Switzerland 真實的故事,我上網查到資料 Dr Anne Turner explains in her own words why she went abroad for assistance to die. 這是安娜特納醫生用她自己的話解釋她為什麼要出國接受協助死亡。 I am nearly 67, and a retired medical doctor. My husband, also a medical doctor, died in September 2002 aged 72 of MSA (Multiple Systems Atrophy). In January 2002 his brother (younger by only a few years and not living anywhere near here) died of Motor Neurone Disease. Apparently PSP is somewhat akin to MSA. Dudley Moore, a well-known entertainer, died of it in 2002 and at the end of his life was unable to walk, talk, swallow, or even blink. I do not want to end up like that. That is the main reason for my wanting to commit suicide. Now I am finding walking, speaking and swallowing increasingly difficult and have had a series of nasty falls. I broke my wrist twice and thumb once earlier last year and seemed to spend the early half of the year in plaster and waiting for hours in Out-patients'. These fractures were the result of falls. 我是一個退休的醫生,年齡將近67歲。我的丈夫也是一個醫生,2002年9月去世,當時72歲,得的是多系統萎縮症。他有一個住在遠處的弟弟在2002年一月去世,死於運動神經元症。達德利摩爾,一個知名的演藝人員也是2002年死於同樣的病症,在他生命末期已經無法行走、說話、吞咽甚至眨眼。我不想活到那樣的情境,這是我要自殺的主要原因。目前我發現自己走路、說話、吞咽日漸困難,而且連續跌倒很多次。去年初我跌倒傷了手腕兩次,傷了大拇指一次。今年上半年我幾乎都是裹著石膏,經常要在醫院等候數小時的回診。 I started having falls in January 2003, which I put down to carelessness and I was unaware of my slurred speech. I was diagnosed with breast cancer and had a mastectomy in February 2004. I was then investigated for the falls and slurred speech as I had had a dreadful fall before the mastectomy and was very bruised. An MRI scan did not show very much but a diagnosis of "mini-strokes" was made in May 2004. It was only because I reported deterioration in my speech in summer 2004 that I was referred to a neurologist who made the diagnosis of PSP. Because the diagnosis is so devastating I sought a second opinion, which confirmed the diagnosis. 我是2003年一月開始常常不小心就跌倒,那時我不知道自己口齒不清。我也被診斷患有乳癌,在2004年2月動過手術。在手術前,我也接受調查會嚴重跌倒及口齒不清的緣由。核磁共振成像掃描沒有顯示很多,但是2004年5月我被診斷輕微中風。直到2004年夏天,根據我的說話嚴重退化,我被送到一個神經科醫生那兒診斷出我有 PSP。因為這個惡化的診斷,我又找不同的醫生確認診斷無誤。 I have discussed the question of suicide with my three children and my sister and one or two friends whom I had to tell. In fact I tried to commit suicide on 9 October 2005 and was very nearly successful. The net result was that I spent most of the next day asleep in the company of my above-mentioned family and it was after that that I contacted Dignitas to start the process of applying for assisted suicide. 我跟我的三個孩子及我的姐姐,還有一二個我必須對他們說的友人討論自殺的問題。事實上,我在2005年10月9日嘗試自殺幾乎成功。實際結果是我在家人的陪伴下睡到第二天,睡了很久。之後我跟尊嚴公司聯絡,遞上協助自殺的申請資料。 I have been seen by one psychiatrist three times (and she also saw my children) and by another one once and they left no questions about my soundness of mind. Nor did they think I was depressed and I do not think I am. I know that I cry a lot but I also laugh inappropriately. I think it is all part of the emotional lability, which is a feature of PSP. 我見過一個心理醫生三次(這個醫生也跟我的子女談過),還有一次見了另一個心理醫生。他們都確認了我的心智正常。他們也不認為我有憂鬱症,我也不認為。我知道我常哭泣,但是我也會不明所以的大笑。我想這只是 PSP 的情緒不穩症狀之一。 Applying for assisted suicide with Dignitas is a lengthy process but eventually I was able to fix a date which is 24 January 2006 a day before my 67th birthday. My three children all support my decision, especially as we have all seen the effect of a very similar illness in my husband: his terrible suffering, loss of dignity and his long slow demise. 向尊嚴申請協助自殺的手續歷時漫長,終於我可以預定日期為2006 年1月24日在我67歲生日前。我的三個孩子都支持我的決定,尤其是我們都看到我的丈夫生病所受的折磨,慢慢死亡的痛苦,沒有尊嚴。 I feel strongly that assisted suicide should become legal in this country. In order to ensure that I am able to swallow the medication that will kill me, I have to go to Switzerland before I am totally incapacitated and unable to travel. If I knew that when things got so bad, I would be able to request assisted suicide in Britain then I would not have to die before I am completely ready to do so. 我強烈的覺得我們的國家應該讓協助自殺成為合法。為了保證我有能力吞下致命的藥品,我必須在我喪失行動能力之前抵達瑞士。如果我可以知道什麼時候情況太糟,我就可以在英國要求協助自殺,那麼我就不需要在我不是情況最惡劣的時候就必須死。 I know that I am more fortunate than many other people in my situation, in that I have the knowledge and the finances and the support of my family to make assisted suicide in Switzerland possible. 我知道我比很多跟我有類似病況的人幸運很多,因為我有這樣的資訊,財力及家人的支持讓我在瑞士完成協助自殺。 To die with dignity should be everybody's right. 有尊嚴的死亡應該是每一個人都有的權利。 Dr Turner died with medical assistance in Switzerland on Tuesday 24 January 2006 特納醫生是在2006年1月24日在瑞士接受醫藥協助死亡的。 http://www.dignityindying.org.uk/personal-stories/uk/south-west/bath/dr-anne-turner-story-9.html [後記] 那天讀到一篇格友的文章,寫到朋友跟老伴到餐廳吃飯的時候中風。有經驗的侍者提醒先生趕快連絡救護車,告訴他是中風的症狀。我問女兒,‘如果有一天我中風了,你跟你爸爸儘快幫我送醫嗎? ’女兒回答,‘媽,這是一般常識,我們怎麼會不知道呢!’ 說著,我想像著自己突然老去的樣子,成為家人的負擔,日子該多難堪啊! 昨天晚上打開電視,剛好看到這部電影 A short stay in Switzerland ,沒有看說明,不知道什麼內容。電影演到老人坐在椅子上接受攝影訪問,說的話就是上面這一段話。這一幕吸引我的目光,就把電影看完。原來老人自己安排了日期,跟自己的姐姐道別,由三位子女護送到瑞士接受醫藥協助死亡。 看完電影,讓人深思。我會願意在晚年臥在床上,依賴別人的梳洗餵食過日子嗎?如果日子短還好,如果長了,我是否也會想要尊嚴死亡呢? |
( 心情隨筆|雜記 ) |