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2010/我.最.愛.聽/Flowers And Football Tops by Glasvegas
2010/06/10 20:36:43瀏覽491|回應0|推薦6

  《Flowers And Football Tops, 花卉與足球上衣》是一首非常感傷的歌曲。Glasvegas主唱James在2007年為了一樁「青少年遭綁架謀殺案」所寫的紀念歌曲。相當動聽!
Baby, Why you not home yet Baby, its getting late I wish you would be home by now. Door bell rings Who could it be at this time Police on my left and right My son's not coming home tonight Baby, they don't need to show Its over, I know I know Baby, they don't need to show Flowers and football tops, I know Baby Ba~by Baby, why you? No sweeping exits No hollywood endings Flowers and football tops Don't mean a thing Baby, they don't need to show Its over, I know I know Baby, they don't need to show Flowers and football tops, I know Baby Ba~by Baby, why you? Baby, Baby, Baby My baby, My baby Baby, Baby is gone... Baby, they don't need to show Flowers and football tops, I know Baby, My baby, My baby...ho~o You are my sunshine My only sunshine You make me happy When skies are grey I hope you noticed How much I loved you How could they take my sunshine away   (註)2004年3月15日,蘇格蘭西南部的港埠-Glasgow發生了一件極為殘忍的綁架謀殺案。一名15歲的蘇格蘭白人男性-唐納德‧Cris Donald被五名巴基斯坦恐佈份子「刺傷胳膊、肺部、肝臟、腎臟等共13刀」,並割除其下體性器官、舌頭,最後澆上汽油焚燒至死。  案發後,警方只逮捕了其中三名嫌犯,並引渡至美國受審;嫌犯供稱:綁架動機為「報復攻擊前一晚沙希德在格拉斯哥市中心的夜總會攻擊行動」、謀殺是因為「唐納德是一名從麥卡洛克街一帶走出來的白人男孩」。
( 休閒生活音樂 )
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