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2013/我.最.愛.聽/Hate Me by Blue October
2013/12/21 11:04:36瀏覽665|回應0|推薦0

90年代晚期成軍於德州休士頓的另類搖滾勁旅Blue October/藍色十月合唱團,成員包括主唱/創作靈魂/吉他手Justin Furstenfeld、他擔任鼓手的哥哥Jeremy、精通鋼琴/小提琴/中提琴…等多樣樂器的Ryan Delahoussaye,和後來加入的吉他手CB Hudson、貝斯手Matt Noveskey。他們精湛的現場演出、以及赤裸裸探討憂鬱症、藥物濫用、愛恨情仇、背叛、寬恕…等主題的音樂創作,成功建立了一批龐大的死忠歌迷。

結束了2005年秋天門票銷售一空、巡迴全美包括休士頓、達拉斯、聖安東尼奧、芝加哥、堪薩斯…等大城市的演唱會之後,Blue October隆重推出睽違三年的最新錄音室作品【Foiled/衝擊】。描述感情中原本自私的一方領悟自省的首發單曲"Hate Me"、有著媲美Jane’s Addiction的招牌曲"Jane Says"、或是Joy Division的"Love Will Tear Us Apart"的調調,引燃全美搖滾電台的瘋狂熱愛;Milwaukee 的WLUM電台節目總監讚許「Justin 引人入勝的詞曲創作深深吸引了樂迷的聽覺神經!點播電話源源不絕湧入…」;沙加緬度KWOD電台則形容「充滿能量的搖滾表現!不折不扣的轟動單曲!」的確,"Hate Me"目前已竄升Billboard現代搖滾榜季軍(4/15榜單) ,冠軍在望。專輯中除了Justin Furstenfeld寫實的文字和音符引起聽眾深刻共鳴之外,Ryan Delahoussaye魅力十足的小提琴與曼陀林技藝在"Into the Ocean"淋漓展現,尾聲的甜美戀歌"18th Floor Balcony"旋律則出自吉他手CB Hudson的手筆!正如從小接受紮實古典音樂教育的Ryan Delahoussaye所說的:「我們能夠隨心所欲的玩出我們想做的音樂,這是我們最棒的一張專輯!」你還在猶豫什麼呢?



If you're sleeping, are you dreaming?

If you're dreaming are you dreaming of me?

I can't believe you actually picked me.

"Hi Justin! this is your mother it is 2:33 on Monday afternoon. 

I was just calling to see how you were doing. 

You sounded really uptight last night, 

And it made me a little nervous,

and a lil'... and... well... it made me nervous

It sounded like you were nervous, too.

I just wanted to make sure you were really OK

and wanted to see if you were checking in on your medication

You know I love ya, and take care... take care honey, 

I know you're under a lot of pressure. 

See ya. Bye Bye!"

I have to block out thoughts of you so I don’t lose my head

我必須斷絕所有對妳的思念 才不會失去理智

They crawl in like a cockroach leaving babies in my bed

那些思念像蟑螂般爬來爬去 在我的床上生一堆小孩

Dropping little reels of tape to remind me that I’m alone

扔掉一捲捲的錄音帶 來提醒我 我很孤單

Playing movies in my head that make a porno feel like home

在腦中重複播放的電影畫面 就像家中的A片

There's a burning in my pride, a nervous bleeding in my brain

我的自尊炙烤著我 緊張 在我腦海裡淌著血

An ounce of peace is all I want for you. Will you never call again?

我只求妳給我一絲的平靜 妳應該不會再打電話給我了吧?

And will you never say that you love me just to put it in my face?

妳也不會再當著我的面 說妳愛我了嗎?

And will you never try to reach me?


It is I that wanted space

是我自己說 需要自由的啊

Hate me today

今天 請恨我

Hate me tomorrow

明天 也請恨我

Hate me for all the things I didn’t do for you

請為 我沒有為妳做到的事 恨我吧

Hate me in ways


Yeah ways hard to swallow

是的 用那些很難以忍受的方式 恨我

Hate me so you can finally see what’s good for you

恨我 讓妳終於能知道 甚麼才是對妳最好的 

I’m sober now for three whole months it’s one accomplishment that you helped me with

我終於能維持清醒 整整三個月 這是妳幫我達到的成果

The one thing that always tore us apart is the one thing I won’t touch again

那些撕裂我們的事情 我抵死也不想再觸碰

In a sick way I want to thank you for holding my head up late at night

用病態的方式 我想感謝妳 讓我的腦袋 三更半夜還清醒著

While I was busy waging wars on myself, you were trying to stop the fight

而妳 在我忙著在自己身上 引發戰火時 仍然想阻止戰端

You never doubted my warped opinions on things like suicidal hate

妳重來沒質疑過我扭曲的想法 例如我的"自毀性恨意"

You made me compliment myself when it was way too hard to take

妳讓我過度自我感覺良好 當事情難以承受

So I’ll drive so fucking far away that I never cross your mind

所以我開著車 開離你他媽的遠 來假裝不知道 妳想什麼

And do whatever it takes in your heart to leave me behind

不計任何代價 就是要妳 別再管我

Hate me today

今天 請恨我

Hate me tomorrow

明天 也請恨我 

Hate me for all the things I didn’t do for you

請為 我沒有為妳做到的事 恨我吧

Hate me in ways


Yeah ways hard to swallow

是的 用那些很難以忍受的方式 恨我

Hate me so you can finally see what’s good for you

恨我 讓妳終於能知道 甚麼才是對妳最好的

And with a sad heart I say bye to you and wave

隨著一顆傷心 我對妳揮手道別

Kicking shadows on the street for every mistake that I had made

為了我犯的每個錯誤 踹著街上的影子 

And like a baby boy I never was a man

我 像個幼稚小鬼 根本沒資格當個男人啊

Until I saw your blue eyes crying and I held your face in my hand

直到我看到妳 湛藍的眼淚 把妳的臉捧在手心

And then I fell down yelling “make it go away!”

接著 摔倒 大叫 "我不要再痛了好不好!"

Just make a smile come back and shine just like it used to be

我好想再看到 那個笑容 像以前一樣的燦爛

And then she whispered “How can you do this to me?”

但我只看到她輕聲說著 "你怎麼能這樣對我?"

Hate me today

今天 請恨我

Hate me tomorrow

明天 也請恨我

Hate me for all the things I didn’t do for you

請為 我沒有為妳做到的事 恨我吧

Hate me in ways


Yeah ways hard to swallow

是的 用那些很難以忍受的方式 恨我吧

Hate me so you can finally see what’s good for you

恨我 讓妳終於能知道 甚麼才是對妳最好的 

For you *3

對妳 *3

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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