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2010/09/19 14:56:35瀏覽463|回應2|推薦29 | |
同事擔心我剛失去父親會觸景生情 考慮了很久 ..才分享這段影片給我. 但我很感謝他的分享~ 可能有人看過了.. 我覺得只要是人~看了都會感動的 颱風天~沒事就跟著天空一起掉眼淚吧!! One day, a son asks his dad "Daddy, would you like to run a marathon with me?". The father says "yes". And they run their first marathon together. 有一天,兒子問爸爸:「爸爸你和我ㄧ起去跑馬拉松,好嗎?」爸爸說好。 Another time, the son asks his dad again "Daddy, would you like to run a marathon with me?". The father says "yes son". 第二次,兒子又問爸爸:「爸爸你和我ㄧ起去跑馬拉松,好嗎?」爸爸又說好。 One day, the son asks his father " Daddy, would you run the Ironman with me?" The Ironman is the most difficult triathlon ever (4 kms swimming, 180 kms bikin, 42 km running?) 有一天,兒子問爸爸:「爸爸和我ㄧ起去參加鐵人競賽,好嗎?」 鐵人競賽是最困難的比賽,必須游泳 四公里 、腳踏車 180公里、跑步 42公里。 And the dad says "yes". The story looks simple until you watch the following clip. Just amazing, how much can love be..... ? 爸爸說好,我們去參加。 以上故事看起來很簡單,
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