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2023/10/11 09:23:52瀏覽203|回應0|推薦9

十年後 詞/曲:李 堯 演唱:李 堯 編曲: 沉睡的那個徬徨, 雪落下的地方, 白了頭的凝望, 歸故鄉。 冰封千尺至高處仍流連, 不曾忘卻過惦念; 天色一樣常藍, 月牙一樣羞赧, 才回頭已走遠。 十年後那一邊, 驀然回首瞬間, 你是否聽清風中思念一如從前? 落花後有來年, 冷夜等待暖天, 而你的笑容轉眼定格說好再相見。 約定耳邊迴旋, 背影彷彿昨天, 消失在風雪一往無前模糊了視線; 如果還能有緣, 松濤飛絮並肩, 你依然少壯豪俠當年我已秋霜掩臉、 塵滿面。


Falling asleep in the lonely, position with snow dropping hurry, gazing wore white hair cover head, came back to hometown afield. Get around icy top again and again, remember never be forgotten; blue sky is high, moon light still shy, turn around just you did fly. Decade later that garden, moment look back in sudden, could you hear missing wind like before? Flowers withering then new leaf coming, cold nights wait for sunny dancing, smile frozen the saying on see you soon. Promise lingering ears away, back stepping as if yesterday, going ahead disappearing windy snow fogged the vision; if there being a line, catkins with trees’ sound while together walking by, strongly younger still you’re but older we’ll be like frost on face, full of dust.


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