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2006/08/09 01:14:46瀏覽6846|回應20|推薦222 | |
有人因婚姻而富,有人因婚姻而一文不名。有人因婚姻而顯達,有人因婚姻而破產。 婚姻到底是什麼? 有人說 Marriage is like a present. 婚姻像禮物.(贈來贈去?交換婚姻?你對我好,我才對你好?) Marriage is like a wave. 婚姻像海邊的浪.(有高有低.) Marriage is like a car. 婚姻像汽車.(駕的好就不會出車禍.) Marriage is like a hotel. Some is top, some is bottom. Some is Second.你住的是幾星級旅館? A first-rate marriage is like a first-rate hotel: expensive, but worth it. ~Mignon McLaughlin. Mignon McLaughlin說:頂級婚姻像頂級旅館,昂貴卻值得。 A good marriage is like an incredible retirement fund: You put everything you have into it during your productive life, and over the years it turns from silver to gold to platinum. -- Willard Scott", 好的婚姻是預存的難以置信的退休基金,你經年放入你的所有,最後它把銀變金,金變白金。 A good marriage is like a casserole, only those responsible for it really know what goes in it. 好的婚姻像砂鍋,對它負責的人才能做出一盤好菜。 A good marriage is like a good trade: Each thinks he got the better deal. 好的婚姻像好的交易,他自認自己在這個交易中得到最好的價位與服務。 A good marriage is like a two-way street that is always under construction. 好的婚姻像走一條在修馬路的雙向道。意即需不斷溝通和修復它。 Marriage is like a bank account. You put it in, you take it out, you lose interest Marriage is like a cage; one sees the birds outside desperate to get in, and those inside desperate to get out Marriage is really tough because you have to deal with feelings and lawyers. Marriage is like a hot bath. Once you get used to it, it's not so hot. 婚姻像洗熱水澡。越洗越冷。 Marriage is like living in your own house and live-in relationship is like checking into a hotel. You home is a responsibility which you cannot leave easily, but you need not even think twice before checking out of a hotel. 婚姻像你住在自己的房子裡但另一半把它當住旅館,住在自己的家,因責任所寄無法輕易離開,但他視家為旅館,要離開就離開,想都不用想。 Marriage is like a business partnership and is governed by the same rules. don't sign the contract if you don't like the terms. 婚姻像進行一商業行為,雙方在定的規則裡共同生活。若你不喜歡的條文,不要簽它。 A bad marriage is like a horse with a broken leg, you can shoot the horse, but it don't fix the leg. 不幸的婚姻如同馬斷了腿。只能把它打死,不能治療。 Too many people feel that a bad marriage is like milk - once sour, it can never be made good and it smells up the refrigerator if you leave it there. 太多人相信不幸的婚姻像鮮奶,只要它變酸了,就不會回復了。若一直擺在冰箱裡,那酸臭氣味就一直殘留在裡面,…. So Happy marriage is ……. Because I am a marvelous housekeeper. Every time I leave a man I keep his house - Zsa Zsa Gabor So There's only one way to have a happy marriage and as soon as I learn what it is I'll get married again - Clint Eastwood But don’t believe it. It isn’t a good woman should do. Just kidding.
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