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2006/10/25 08:01:00瀏覽180|回應0|推薦4 | |
友人相邀,自購台鐵與花蓮遠來飯店、海洋公園合作的『我與海洋有個約會』旅遊套餐,因訂房與時間安排等考量,選擇當天往返之一日遊,卻已足夠讓從沒搭過火車的幾個小孩興奮到呼吸困難。 火車坐定後就發現接連好幾個車廂都是選購同樣行程的散戶遊客,我們一行11人算是大戶進場。 台北-花蓮當日往返好像有點趕,實則該玩的都玩到了。 花蓮的太陽烈得像在逞強,海水藍得肆無忌憚,令人行走都略感困難的熱空氣,奇妙地與難以置信的海洋美景凝聚成一個好似光陰暫停的時空;同行大大小小揮汗笑鬧、吃吃玩玩,無不心滿意足。 直到,差點錯過了與回程火車的約會。 海洋公園-花蓮火車站接駁服務在最後階段凸槌,一夥人被打散分乘三輛計程企圖在倒數13分鐘內趕抵火車站。 在辣媽計程車司機高分貝的催促下,我驚恐地奮力躍上回程火車、還來不及站穩隨即開動,向窗外望去.....同行夥伴還在月台上! 一行人分成三批、三批變成了兩團,一前一後分別搭乘相差廿分鐘的苢光號與自強號,沿途手機通訊:『火車便當吃到沒?』、『也是排骨飯嗎?』、『你們過山...(洞了嗎? )...』(斷訊)。 『我與海洋有個約會』成了『你們錯過火車約會』的笑話,出遊的樂趣只增不減。 《Corinne Bailey Rae - Put Your Records On》 Three little birds, sat on my window. And they told me I don't need to worry. Summer came like cinnamon So sweet, Little girls double-dutch on the concrete. Maybe sometimes, we got it wrong, but it's alright The more things seem to change, The more they stay the same Oh, don't you hesitate. Girl, put your records on, tell me your favourite song You go ahead, let your hair down Sapphire and faded jeans, I hope you get your dreams, Just go ahead, let your hair down. You're gonna find yourself somewhere, somehow. Blue as the sky, sombre and lonely, Sipping tea in the bar by the road side, (just relax, just relax) Don't you let those other boys fool you, Gotta love that afro hairdo. Maybe sometimes, we feel afraid, but it's alright The more you stay the same, The more they seem to change. Don't you think it's strange? Girl, put your records on, tell me your favourite song You go ahead, let your hair down Sapphire and faded jeans I hope you get your dreams, Just go ahead, let your hair down. You're gonna find yourself somewhere, somehow. Just more than I could take, pity for pity's sake Some nights kept me awake, I thought that I was stronger When you gonna realise, that you don't even have to try any longer. Do what you want to. Girl, put your records on, tell me your favourite song You go ahead, let your hair down Sapphire and faded jeans I hope you get your dreams, Just go ahead, let your hair down. Girl, put your records on, tell me your favourite song You go ahead, let your hair down Sapphire and faded jeans I hope you get your dreams, Just go ahead, let your hair down. You're gonna find yourself somewhere, somehow. |
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