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2010/07/10 13:26:33瀏覽701|回應1|推薦16 | |
故意下了一個莫名奇妙的標題 -- 既然大部分的中譯電影片名都是如此,文章的標題當然也可以如法炮製。這是德州大哥對《哪怕酒鄉遙》的回應,張貼在此以饗讀者。 文末有我一小段讀後感。 -------- x -------- x -------- I am very fond of wines and here are some thoughts. First of all, one should always make a distinction between tasting and drinking wines; it's rather like how one approaches many facets of life which is never monotonic. For tasting you probe with a religious awe and surgical precision whereas for the drinking you embrace with a full-blown earthly indulgence and mortal lusts. You would always drink the wines you like, but by default taste only what is unknown to you – sweetness and bitterness are all part of the wine business, again, just like life. And what you have found distasteful today says nothing about whether you will fall in love with it tomorrow; more than often you learn to cope with all the newly found disappointments, and when given enough time, probably learn to appreciate them; or you may grow to resent what you once loved and denounce it forever. It is all about constantly learning to love and getting used to betray (and being betrayed), exactly what human hearts do best. Based on what I have just said, I don't consider myself the winery tasting type. But my situation and reasons are different from those of BS-King's. I still like tasting wines but will only do it privately and solemnly. Silence, total silence is what I must have when tasting wine. How well we savor life, or wine in this case - which is just as serious, is essentially manifested by how patiently we interpret the silence around us. Another reason, not less important but taking me years to understand, is that a tiny sample from the bottle can never tell me all I need and want to know about a wine. Does it change after the first sip reaches the head? How long will it have to sit in the open air before it has breathed in enough oxygen? Again, it's like life: you can't really judge someone until the last nail of his coffin has been driven in, but even by then you can still be terribly wrong. Ever since I moved into the State of Shake and Bake, I have stopped drinking expensive wines as 10% of my income went into paying for the golden sunshine, a.k.a weather tax. But thanks to Arnold the Governator, I have developed a survivor's secret on how to tell wines at less than $10 a bottle. After all the color, viscosity, smell, and taste tests, the final verdict is handed down by the specific book that I pick to go down with the bottle. For Tuscan wines, you read Caesar’s commentaries; (cheap) Bordeaux, Baudelaire; Riesling, Goethe – preferably ‘Kennst du das land’; as for Portugal or Spain wines, Pessoa. If what you taste either simulates within you the sensation of moving along a dirt road leading to Gallia, makes you aware of what ‘La Fin de la Journée’ feels like, surprises you on how soft and gentle the German can sound, or inspires how you wish you have a true genius mind that can only live in that shadow area where sanity and beauty coexist not, then it serves its purpose and you should buy a whole case of it, hopefully with a coupon; otherwise, I suggest you move on to next bottle. If your reading list includes Dan Brown, J. K. Rowling, or Stephenie Meyer, then MD 20/20 is really your drink; it kills and it kills fast. -------- x ------- x ------- 【讀後記】 德州大哥說:品酒時,當以宗教的虔敬、如外科手術般精確;飲酒時,當以屬世的放縱恣意、任人慾橫流 (For tasting you probe with a religious awe and surgical precision whereas for the drinking you embrace with a full-blown earthly indulgence and mortal lusts.) 品酒的層次尚未企及,飲酒的放縱沒有膽子,但智與美共存的神秘境界,則心嚮往之。那種境界平常很難達到,但若有“綠螘新醅酒,紅泥小火爐”,則距離甚近。酒之為物,神哉! 在全然安靜中品酒 -- 無此造詣,頗難體會。安靜的夜晚與一杯淡茶,是我較熟悉的聯想。狐朋酒友,酒逢知己,酒和朋友和熱鬧總分不開的。每逢家裡請客總會興致高昂的去買兩瓶酒,雖然不懂酒,可是在酒店裡走來走去,好開心。摸摸酒瓶,欣賞美麗的包裝和色澤,期待中的熱鬧立時具象起來。說來好笑,這是我最享受的“品酒”經驗。 |
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