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燈會,洗碗, 櫻花 (為何寫筆記 Why i journaling..)
2016/03/09 17:22:02瀏覽380|回應0|推薦0

沒燈會了乖在家洗碗, 還可賞櫻花。
最近前三名fb洗板圖應該是 1燈會 (A同事竟然看六次 )
2櫻花 (各里長努力種)
3 阿中不洗碗(是離婚三大原因之一。)


上週六在中央大學里湖邊旁. 跟聶先生漫步在櫻花樹


週一晚在家廚房外鄰居種的櫻花已開滿樹.  這盆多肉也送給Laura了.



春節後濕冷兩週, 228後總算好天氣. 大家都悶壞了. 燈會我也看了三次

(第一次跟聶先生, 第二次自己, 第三次跟妹妹)

聶先生已到新竹上班. 下班後就直接去看燈會了. 平日晚跟vivi約





聶先生只有週末才在家. 週六又睡到自然醒(連續兩晚逛燈會..很累人的)

就跟聶先生到中央大學覓食兼散步. 這家是...忘了名字. 只記得在Mos 樓上

餐廳外有菜園. 點了蔬菜燉飯.滿好吃的.nt290有點貴就是.


我有三種Journaling. 小筆記本+工作筆記本+ blog.我是公私不分的人Nina, Nana都同時寫這三地方

1. 我true feeling 會記在小筆記本.."乾的""苯桶" "活該""他xx"什麼發洩難聽的字寫在這本.



甜言蜜語寫這本.."nana.某某主管很聽你的話ㄟ..." ( 我是"沒常輸"當然要聽我的, 照我劇本演準沒錯)

3. 工作筆記本, 就是我去年的時尚版. 主要是工作to do. planning. 與客戶的重要談話 偶爾會罵人但是用密碼.所以筆記本後也會貼一些提醒自己要控制有禮貌..."溫良恭檢讓"

3. Blog..Job 豐功偉業+Sewing Project +family=這世界很美好的文(blog 有圖證明這是手寫筆記本無法做到的. 所以有時我會先有圖(fb). 或是先有約(飯,主題). 最後才有文po 在blog(文章也是不負責任的. 青菜寫一寫. PO  圖較重要. 圖片的內涵我己了解)反正nana blog最重要的格友就是nana...

心情不好或是懶散時 , 看看去年春天我做了什麼..喔~車了春衣又走春..三月中我家的紫藤又要開滿屋了

花園的玫瑰花也將開, 我得將花園再栽種一翻, 聶先生及兒子生日又要到了..Sew many Spring Activities!!! (Spring movitiation 竟然寫兩次, 剛google竟然寫三次..2014...2015 )

yes, celebrating the Spring in Frugal Way.

=> live a interesting Life..心中一直有那一把

 Happy Writing!!!



ps 2 Journaling的好處

1. Journaling Helps You Reflect on Your Life

Life moves quickly. Journaling offers an opportunity to stop and reflect on everything in life. Reflecting can help ensure you’re doing what you need to do to stay satisfied with your life.回顧才能前瞻

2. Journaling Encourages Gratitude

Use a journal to keep track of everything you’re thankful for each day. Making this a regular habit can help you to become more optimistic and can remind you to enjoy the little things in life each day.感恩.Nina的___真是令人羨慕阿.

3. Journaling Helps You Turn Dreams into Goals

When you start writing down your dreams, you’re more likely to establish a timeline of how to accomplish them. As soon as you establish a timeline and the steps you’re going to start taking, you’ve turned a dream into a goal. You’re much more likely to reach those dreams once you begin writing down action steps of what you’re going to do.2015達標計劃幾乎over goal..2016還沒想好.

4. Journaling Allow You to Keep Track of Your Accomplishments

Writing down your accomplishments help you keep track of the success you’ve had in life. Reviewing a list of accomplishments can be very helpful when you are considering whether or not to take another risk. Remembering all those times when you’re hard work has paid off can give you the extra push you need to ask your boss for a raise or ask someone out on a date.因為有Journaling, 所以可以很快給Perforamnce Review. 將專案PPT及email成果分享給team 的當附件就好. 圖像會說話. 這些照片做為supporting 之證據 

5. Journaling Provides an Emotional Outlet

A lot of people don’t feel comfortable talking about their feelings out loud. Journaling can provide an emotional outlet. Labelling feelings and writing down how you feel without the fear of being judged by others can be very therapeutic.


6. Journaling Increases Problem-Solving Opportunities

Journaling helps you analyze your options when you’re looking for a solution to a problem. You can write down the pros and cons of each solution and really analyze which solution is likely to yield the best results. It can help you identify creative ways to solve problems and it can help you to feel more confident about your choices.

7. Journaling Reduces Stress

Journaling can help you reduce mental clutter and stress. Instead of feeling like you need to keep track of everything in your head, simply knowing that you’ll be journaling later can free up your mental energy to address other tasks.

Knowing you can write down your worries can also help reduce your anxiety. Rather than waste time during the other parts of the day worrying about something, remind yourself you’re journal about it later.

8. Journaling Will Let You Understand Yourself Better

Writing things down about your experiences, thoughts, and feelings can help you develop a much better understanding of yourself. Putting the pen to paper about what’s going on in your mind really helps lay out information about you.

Reading past entries can be helpful as well. It can provide you with a better understanding of how you were feeling when you made certain decisions in your life. You may understand why you made mistakes or avoided risks. It serves as a good reminder of how much progress you’ve made.

穿上救生衣,輕輕哼著喜愛的 swing,義無反顧航向大海的勇氣


9. Journaling Helps You Live According to Your Values

Writing about your daily activities can really give you insight into where your time goes. If you say family is important but you notice you’re working much more than your participating in family activities, it can be an eye opening experience. A journal can keep you honest and can help you make changes to your life that are more in line with your value system.

10. Journaling Improves Your Relationships

Writing in a journal can be good for your relationships. Writing down angry thoughts instead of saying them out loud can prevent you from saying something you regret. Journaling can also help you look at the big picture, which can allow you to forgive and let small transgressions go.當然是將angrey thoughts 秘密寫在日記本(小學就開始) 不然呢? 寫了(乾乾乾)就算了..妳真的不需要跟討厭的人對乾阿?你要跟討厭的人相處, 還要ask him for help..寫寫就好. 不用說出口了.


( 休閒生活雜記 )
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