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Ground Floor - He who looks inside, awakes
2014/01/13 21:37:35瀏覽414|回應0|推薦1

很久沒看好笑的以辦公室為題材的喜劇. 之前看的office自從主角老闆自己quit不演後. 就不好看了.

看第一集ground floor就黏上了

很喜歡Ground floor 女主角Jenny, 她是辦公大樓的supporting 位於地下室. she is delightful.看到她的笑容就好開心喔~

我寫這篇是為了Jenny將她delightful 留在我blog...也是提醒自己要做純樸Simple & Delightful woman~~

Brody是控金的華爾街投資顧問的金童.他老闆Mansfield (名字也很霸氣) run 投顧公司.


  • She said" you and i would bring out the best qualitites in each other, not the worst"(好好真心對待身邊的人ㄚ...Bring the best qualityies from each other...講的真好)


Brody老闆也發現Bordy被Jenny改變. 第四集禮物Gift 有許多發人深省的對白. (see youtube)

  • put other people feeling infront of yours..(你已為他人先想)
  • you are going to be injecting money into the equation. that changes everything. you've exposed her to the finer things, there is no going back now i bet this gift brings xx and me even CLOSER.you are like a reverse snob..(仇富)


  • take care of all that personal crap on your owntime this is a place of business.這是上班場所biz , 請將你個人情緒在你下班後處理....(真的要自省)

  • now we have a lot of hard work in front of us, but when we do close, you will be rewarded. Because this is the best damn team in this business. Give me a cheer.


"He who looks inside, awakes"這老闆喜歡引經據典...

I consider run a biz like a family, but if you under perform, you're FIRED~~

Gift 這集看一下youtube.....

( 休閒生活影視戲劇 )
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