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克里米亞跟俄國另一個密切關係 - 沙皇的秘密酒藏 Massandra 酒莊
2014/03/17 21:25:31瀏覽410|回應0|推薦5

此文章2004年曾在富豪人生Vintage 雜誌上發表






瑪參都拉酒廠一向都是以釀造各式各樣的甜酒為主,甜酒像雪利酒,馬黛拉酒(madeira)、波特酒、馬沙拉(Marsala義大利酒)與都凱酒(Tokay)等酒廠都有釀造。像1848 年的西班牙Paharet 雪利酒和1869 Château du Vigneau (從高利參王子的私人酒藏),1880年Prince Golitzin Seventh Heaven甜酒,1893 Ai Danil Red 波特酒 (其中四瓶酒上有沙皇的烙印) 和1913 年Kron Brother’s馬黛拉酒 (六瓶酒,酒瓶用手工做的,而且有沙皇的烙印)等都是這次拍賣會的焦點。目前估計每一瓶酒的成交價將會在150英磅到2000英磅之間(相當於台幣9000元到12萬元左右)。

On the 3rd of December 2004, Auction House Sotheby’s will be hosting an auction in London on wines from Massandra Collection, featuring wine made at the Massandra winery dating from 19th century and rarities from other European countries.

Massandra winery is in Ukraine , but its history can be traced back to the era of Tsar Nicolas II of Russia. In those days bitter winter in Russia forced Tsar to recede to his summer palace in Crimea, and in his palace he often held extravagant parties. Wines were integral parts of the celebration and Massandra winery was built to supply wines to the imperial family of Tsars. Massandra collection comprised of every single style of wine made at the winery each year since the beginning of 20th century and the private wine collection of Prince Golitzin, who at that time was the winemaker at Massandra winery. Some of better wines had Tsar’s imperial seal on it. Even after the Russian Revolution, Nazi’s invasion and the Communist Regime this collection still remained relatively intact.


Massandra winery makes many styles of sweet wines, like Sherry、Madeira、Port、Marsala even Tokays and Muscats。Some of the highly anticipated items such as 1848 Paharet Sherry and 1869 Château du Vigneau (from Price Golitzin’s private wine collection) and 1880 Prince Golitzin Seventh Heaven,1893 Ai Danil Red Port (4 bottles with the Tsar’s seal) and 1913 Kron Brother’s Madeira (6 bottles, hand blown, and with the Tsar’s seal) had the estimated price per bottle between 150 to 2000 British pounds (approximately NT9000 to NT 120000) and will be appearing at the auction for the first time.


( 休閒生活美食 )
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