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2006/09/28 11:11:20瀏覽396|回應0|推薦0

最近華航與長榮空姐不約而同在電視上指陳10年前一當時在位政要女兒 vivian, 往往買經濟艙硬要升等頭等艙, 將空姐當下女使喚, 放任寵貓在艙房亂闖...等等天理不容之惡行惡狀. 引起網路上口誅筆伐外的猜猜看, 有說連惠心的英文名字是用Arlene Lien, 有說邱創煥的外孫女叫做vivian. 對於如此怪誕不經, 掩耳盜鈴, 招搖過市的寡廉鮮恥之徒, 媒體應發揮第四權監督報導 挖掘真相的角色,  就像吳淑珍公器私用, 拿空軍一號當下聘專機; 或是連惠心尸位素餐, 占師大教授缺卻找代課人...等. 不揪出這些狗彘不若的牛鬼蛇神, 何以服奉公守法的市井小民之心. 孟子「禹抑洪水而天下平,周公兼夷狄驅猛獸而百姓寧。」  

Iva Toguri, 90, the American woman branded "Tokyo Rose" during World War II who was imprisoned for making treasonous radio broadcasts and exonerated decades later with a presidential pardon, died Sept. 26 at her home in Chicago. No cause of death was reported.
第二次世界大戰幫日本以流利英語對美軍心戰喊話的"東京玫瑰", 戰後因叛國罪入獄後經總統特赦. 週二以90高齡於芝加哥家中過世.
30年前我在軍中電台服役時, 每早要到劍潭的中央廣播電台拿稿, 對於操各省口音的外省女心戰播音員印象深刻.
States, Counties Begin to Enforce Immigration Law
As elsewhere in the United States, law enforcement officers did not check the immigration status of people they came into contact with, and in the vast majority of cases, a run-in with the law carried little threat of deportation.
But that accommodation for the burgeoning illegal population ended abruptly in April, when the Mecklenburg County sheriff's office began to enforce immigration law, placing more than 100 people a month into deportation proceedings. Some of them had been charged with violent crimes, others with traffic infractions.
美國邊界開始加強執行嚴厲移民法規, 對於非法移民迅速強制驅逐出境.
美國以人權立國, 過去非法移民只要一踏入美國土地, 美國護照就像棺材店的招牌曲--總有一天等到你. 如今情見力詘, 尾大不掉. 台灣雖無人權此大帽子的困擾, 但因兩岸無溝通管道, 偷渡客無處可驅, 以致各地靖廬人滿為患.
Bush and Clinton Teams Debate Pre-9/11 Efforts
The election-year debate over terrorism has triggered a full-blown spat between the camps of President Bush and former president Bill Clinton as the two sides trade barbs over who was more responsible for failing to disrupt al-Qaeda before it could attack the United States on Sept. 11, 2001.
選舉到了 布希與柯林頓相互為911上媒體爭功諉過.
都是選舉惹的禍. 台灣藍綠兩黨「見而美之,歸亦捧心而顰其里。」

( 心情隨筆雜記 )
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