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Weekly Report
2009/10/18 23:28:24瀏覽4|回應0|推薦0

1.      Father’s Birthday: So sad that I can’t be there with my family, again. Happy birthday!

2.      Balloon Boy: Watched CNN live during the lunch hour at home. The balloon landed without the boy inside. Had to be back to the office before they found where the boy is. Ha ha 

3.      L decided the photographer for her Senior Portrait. She showed me the photographer's work and I liked it.

4.      USC won the game. So many teams to cheer for. U of W, Oregon , UCLA….

5.      Started subscribing “the Oregonian” again after the sales people called me.  Need to subscribe “the Columbian” instead. I am quite good at saying “No” to salesmem. This time, it must be due to the extreme low weekly rate, and the Sunday flyers. Why there are no free community newspapers like we had in Canada ?

6.      Half month bonus? Will there be announcement for bonus next week here?

7.      Sent RY a gift for her retirement.

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