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2008/11/02 11:33:15瀏覽999|回應0|推薦9

The Brothers Four - Greenfields

    • 很久很久以前,就是在還沒有網路、沒有電腦、 沒有搖滾樂和披頭四之前, 美國的流行歌壇曾經是校園歌曲的年代。 四兄弟合唱團就是個代表。 四兄弟合唱團成立於1957年。 他們是西雅圖華盛頓大學的學生,都屬於同一個兄弟會。 有一次,別的兄弟會故意開他們的玩笑, 僞造了一個歌廳的邀請函,請他們去表演。 他們去了之後,才發現上了當。 不過歌廳老闆還是讓他們唱了幾隻歌, 這一唱,就此唱出了名堂。 不過真正的發跡,要等到1959年離開西雅圖到舊金山發展, 他們1960年在哥倫比亞唱片發行的第二張單張——綠草原 一舉上升到排行榜的第二名。 同年底發行的長片——四兄弟也擠進前二十名。 他們有一個曲子“The Green Leaves of Summer” 是約翰偉恩的電影——邊城英烈傳(The Alamo)的插曲。
  • Once there were greenfields Kissed by the sun Once there were valleys Where rivers used to run Once there were blue skies With white clouds high above Once they were part of An everlasting love We were the lovers who strolled Through greenfields. Greenfields are gone now Parched by the sun Gone from the valleys Where rivers used to run Gone with the cold wind That swept in through to my heart Gone with the lovers Who let their dreams depart Where are the greenfields that we Used to roam. Ill never know what made you run away How can I keep searching when dark clouds hide the day I only know theres nothing here for me Nothing in this wild world left for me to see. But Ill keep on waiting Til you return Ill keep on waiting Until the day you learn You cant be happy When your hearts on a roam You cant be happy Until you bring it home Home to the greenfields and me Once again.
( 休閒生活音樂 )
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