"Vaya con Dios"這句西班牙話的意思 就是「神保佑你」,是人們別離時祝福的話, 相當於我們說「祝你好運」或是「多保重」的話。 是 Larry Russell, Inez James 和 Buddy Pepper在1952年寫的歌, 隔年Les Paul彈吉他,Mary Ford主唱的版本 在排行榜上奪得后座。 這首歌並在2005年被收入格蘭美名人堂。
Vaya con Dios by Les Paul and Mary Ford
Now the haciendas dark, the town is sleeping Now the time has come to part, the time for weeping Vaya con Dios, my darling Vaya con Dios, my love
Now the village mission bells are softly ringing If you listen with your heart youll hear them singing Vaya con Dios, my darling Vaya con Dios, my love
Wherever you may be, Ill be beside you Although youre many million dreams away Each night Ill say a prayer, a prayer to guide you To hasten every lonely hour of every lonely day
Now the dawn is breaking through a gray tomorrow But the memories we share are there to borrow