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【老式情歌】Goodnight Irene
2008/08/30 18:43:17瀏覽1402|回應0|推薦10

Goodnight Irene by the Weavers

    這首“Goodnight Irene”是美國經典民謠之一,
    在1940年代由 Lead Belly 演唱後就開始流行,
    這裡由 The Weavers 灌唱的版本

    Goodnight Irene

    Irene, goodnight, Irene, goodnight
    Goodnight, Irene
    Goodnight, Irene
    I'll see you in my dreams

    On Saturday night, I got married
    Me and my wife settled down
    Now me and my wife are parting
    I'm going to take another stroll downtown


    Sometimes I live in the country
    Sometimes I live in town
    Sometimes I get a fool notion
    To jump off in the river and drown


    Stop rambling, stop your gambling
    Stop staying out late every night
    Go home to your wife and family
    Stay there by the fireside light


    Goodnight, Irene
    Goodnight, Irene
    I'll see you in my dreams
( 休閒生活音樂 )
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