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【老式情歌】Neil Diamond 的 Song Sung Blue
2018/03/17 00:03:00瀏覽852|回應0|推薦9

(音樂:Neil Diamond - Song Sung Blue)


Song Sung Blue

Neil Diamond尼爾.戴蒙是美國歌壇的巨星,
上個月我們介紹過他的“Sweet Caroline”,
“Song Sung Blue”也是由尼爾.戴蒙在1972年自寫自唱,
是他繼1970年的"Cracklin Rosie"之後,
這支歌的創作靈感來自莫扎特的 第21號鋼琴協奏曲第二樂章。 這首歌在1973年被提名格蘭美獎的
可是那年的兩個獎都被 Roberta Flack所唱的
"The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face"得去。

Song Sung Blue

Song sung blue, everybody knows one
Song sung blue, every garden grows one

Me and you are subject to
The blues now and then
But when you take the blues
And make a song
You sing em out again
You sing em out again

Song sung blue, weeping like a willow
Song sung blue, sleeping on my pillow
Funny thing,
But you can sing it with a cry in your voice
And before you know it get to feeling good
You simply got no choice

Me and you are subject to
The blues now and then
But when you take the blues
And make a song
You sing em out again

Song sung blue, weeping like a willow
Song sung blue, sleeping on my pillow
Funny thing,
But you can sing it with a cry in your voice
And before you know it start to feeling good
You simply got no choice

Song sung blue
Song sung blue
Funny thing,
But you can sing it with a cry in your voice

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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