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Junior, do the right thing.
2008/10/19 23:32:15瀏覽579|回應0|推薦1


I think that I began to understand the contents of your job.
In time like this, I believe that you will encounter some unpleasant
experiences with present economy environment.
I want to present my past painful experience as follows:
1. Try to understand the buyer's pain and listen to them
2. If the deal involves your efforts of sales & incurs the loss of your
    customers face the problem with your personal efforts to tide over
    the difficult period.
3. In case of the lost not due to your personal fault but company's
    policy, do not try to shift your responsibility to the company. In
    stead, try to help them deal with problem. (Remember I told you
    the story about FETL? I tried to sell FETL defective knit shirt in
    front of Big Mess Hall at half price and gave all the cash sale to
    Kosugi? Mr. Yoshino never forget this incident and rewarded me
    with more business opportunities, You know that It was not my
    fault but braced myself to help dealing with the problem. Long
    and extended efforts with sincerity will be rewarded in a long
4. In your mind-set, there should be one thing and one thing only:
   The concept of  Right and Wrong be your motto.
I believe you have great ability in conducting your business activities.
Given time you will become a very successful business man.

( 時事評論公共議題 )
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