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我們的愛貓 Pediatric Hunter groaned & Dr. put her to sleep!
2008/11/11 03:45:21瀏覽626|回應0|推薦0

"Hunter" my old pal at age 21 started groaning yesterday. Ever since she
was diagnosed brain tumor 4 month ago we give her medication. Every
thing seems are under control and she has had good appetite and act normal.
Yesterday when she was sitting in Mari's thigh she started groaning for
no reason. This groan sounded like when she was a small cat confronted with
animal bigger than her size she groaned with her eye stared at the animal
and with her mouth wildly open showing her sharpen front teeth. The hair
of her tail stood on straight forward. I know that is the nature of "Hunter"
showing her self in a defensive gesture. Usually I took her away.

This time the groan seemed unnatural. I presume that her brain tumor has
grown bigger.  The groan is either the sign of her illusion or confusion.
My friend Tucker came to see me this morning. She "Hunter" usually will
jump to him to show her affection.  But not this time. She already lost sense
of recognizing. I am going to send her to see doctor. After all she is 100 years
old of humans age.  There is no much we can do about it.
Life is life. She is a member of our family. We will take care of her until her
last day.
Things have turned out as expected.
We went to see Dr. Riter this after noon.
As explained that Hunter appeared abnormal behavior due to
her progressive growing brain tumor. At time of check-up she
was groaning and when touched she acted aggressive. We asked
what was the alternative? Mari already lost sleep last night and
could not feed Hunter medicine any more.
Dr. Riter's suggestion was final. To put her to sleep so that she
would not hurt anyone who approached her. It seemed that we have 
run out of options.
I looked at Mari and asked her decision what to do. She finally said
"Please stop her suffering." sadly to say that we had to say final
"Good Bye." to Hunter and excused our self in the reception room.
After the process, Dr. Riter allowed us to have the final look at her.
We were crying at our heart and up-holding our tear then retreat from
operation table.
Hunter, we will miss you all the time and thank you for all the pleasure
you had given to our family. 

( 心情隨筆家庭親子 )
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