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Father & son
2006/03/13 02:04:36瀏覽497|回應0|推薦1

Father & Son

"So you are on your way to your new job."
"How was the orientation trip to London?"
"Made lots of friends there. Some from New York other from SF."
"It will be very tough for the job in Tokyo."
"Its challenging. How about your new well situation?"
"Everything is fine so far. You know I feel someone in the office is trying to get me."
"Is that discrimination thing?"
"Yes. It happens every where. In Japan or here in America. That is why I do not recommend
you insist finding good job here."
"Yes, I know."
"The company is the top of the line in the world. I am glad that you are accepted. I am proud
of you doing better than your dad in his age."
"You meant when you were in your 30th? In that sense, I guess so."
"By the way, may I ask you some question?"
"How come most of your friends are Japanese? Don't you have friends from China Taiwan or Korea?"
"I guess its culture things. I have been raised by you and ma. My thinking tends toward the
way of Japanese. After all these years in Berkeley and Michigan I know lots of students from
those countries. I just feel that I can't talk to them heart to heart."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, when I talk to Japanese I feel I can trust them with their words."
"To other oriental you can't"
"No, nothing like that. I just do not feel comfortable with them."
"Well, may be you have been influenced by your Ma." I paused, then continued " but in my
observation you maintain very neutrel in some of the subject like Japanese history and what we called the Nanking masecre. You don't seem bias to Japanese side."
"That because I went to the exhibition of those photo which shows the facts are there, and you just can't deny it. I can not count on what government or book says. Facts are facts. You can not cover it up."
"Then it is hard to make friends with people from Korea or Taiwan?"
"Perhaps I have not met people from those countries I could trust."
"Just like the way toward your father?"
"Well, I don't mean to hurt you. Some time I feel you changed too much."
"I understand your feeling. The world is changing. Some time I have to adapt the new situation confronting with me. You know the business is like wave. Some times go up and other time go down. When it goes down, I do not expect either you or your Ma to help me. I have to deal the worest situation mostly by myself. You see why our family came to U.S. not staying in Japan and the motel business is not that rose all the time....."
"Here they come again. Any advise you want to me for the new job?"
"Use your ear more than your mouth."
"I will remember that."
" When are leaving?"
"4 clock in the morning. I would not wake you up and I can take care of my self."
"Take care you self while in Tokyo."
"You too."

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