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American's Funny Christian.
2006/03/10 11:09:29瀏覽799|回應0|推薦4

I am not a Christian. I am not here to judge.
Every one can claim in the name of God and choose the verse
what is best suit for his purpose.
Yet in this world, have you seen those preachers put their
personal interests before God?
Many, in America, we called them funny Christian.
In my personal experience, there is one person called himself
Dr. so and so and used to preach in Santa Monica church. I
asked his personal consideration to adjust mortgage interests
from 12% to 8% while most bank would be willing to do to
cooperate by lowing down the rate. You know what his
answer:"Sorry, I got my bill to pay. If you don't pay in time I
will have to forclose your property." No mercy no understanding even worst than most of banks I know.
that is actual story happened in my life.
You see what Mr. Lee said before his retirement,"I am going to
preach in Taitung country side after retirement>"
what actually happen here in Taiwan. He is intoxicated with
his power and influence in Taiwan politices. At age over 86?
he still do not leave the people alone.
I think he may use the verse you mentioned in his daily
conversation like good preacher. What actual count is his deed
not his words.
I am not here to down grade any Christians here. Like one
verse in the bible "Let 1st man without sin cast the stone
to the convicted woman." Sorry, I am nor sure that is the
right verse. Anyway, you got the picture.
Here is the blog that all the people in the world are reading
and watching. I don't mind my expression becoming a laughing
I just want to speak out of my mind.
It soon will be heared every where by the word spreading.
Silent people or reader are judging what you said.
ask your self if you are qualified to cast the 1st stone?


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