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Thus Far God Has Helped Us
2009/03/23 23:06:01瀏覽413|回應0|推薦1

I just came back from an exhausting weekend. There was barely enough time to finish the chores. I didn’t really go anywhere, but spent most of the time in the house, caring for Ryan and catching up with the chores. As I went to bed exhausted at midnight on Sunday, it almost seemed that my life was hopeless and I’d be stuck with the endless list of chores.

But this morning as I did my daily devotionals using Our Daily Bread, the author reminded me to remember that “thus far the Lord has helped us”. It is very true!! God has helped me thus far: I am happily married to a great guy, have a wonderful job, own a very cute (although naughty) dog, and mothered a baby who sleeps through 12 hours every night. My parents pray for me constantly. My church is heading toward a revival. God indeed has been helping, blessing and watching over us all those years and all the time.

I believe He will keep helping and molding our household into His likeness. I am praying that He guides me with His wisdom and reveals the wonderful plans He has for my life. (So far, His plans have far exceeded what I could ever imagine!! Thank you Lord!! J)

(Top Photo) Ryan two weeks old in baby girl clothes. Wasn't he adorable??!!

(Bottom Photo) Ryan seven months old. He was much bigger and definitely a boy!!

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