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You are sinful
2013/06/18 11:13:51瀏覽72|回應0|推薦1
An open letter to Professor Jerome A. Cohen ;

I am shame on you,

Professor Jerome A. Cohen, 

since you have come to Taiwan for one week and the Philippino coastguard fired at a Taiwanese fishing boat incident has been just one month. You did not say a word in supporting justice. 

You are not deserved the fame of a good teacher of president Ma.

The video of thePhilippine Coast Guard shooting of fishing boat Kuang Ta Hsing 28 has been modified by the Philippine Coast Guard.

We are now far more distant from the truth of this hell event.

“The video showed the soldiers acted unprofessionally. They were laughing while they were shooting the boat,” a source who has seen the videotape said to the inquirer.

What thought is deep in the dark mind of the six coast guards?

It made me remind of the movie Schindler'sList by Steven Allan Spielberg.

The commander of a concentration camp of Nazi Germany took a rifle gun shooting the Jews in the camp from a balcony of his townhouse.

What thought is deep in the dark mind of the commander.

That is the same with the six coast guards of Philippine. The Jews and the
4 fishermen were the entrapped animals of their prison. There was no way to escape from the prison.

The six coast guards of Philippine are the second coming of the commander of Nazi Germany. They committed the crimes against humanity.
    The Bullet from the machine gun of Philippine Coast Guard shooting to an un-weaponed fisherman’s boat which was penetrating every human being’s heart and destroying the dignity of mankind.
    The Philippine Coast Guard shooting of fishing boat Kuang Ta Hsing 28 four weeks ago is a massacre, just simulate the re-act of Saint Bartholomew's Day bloodbath in 1572. 

You are sinful if you pay no attention to this hell event.
( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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