不要告別 - 蕭孋珠 |
2016/05/07 15:38 |
不要告別 - 蕭孋珠
懇請不吝賜教? |
摸 象 或 (不?) 著 木目(mbr8879576) 於 2016-07-01 01:59 回覆: |
Imagine |
2014/02/21 20:01 |
At around 10:50 pm on 8 December 1980, as Lennon and Ono returned to their New York apartment in the Dakota, Mark David Chapman shot Lennon in the back four times at the entrance to the building. Lennon was taken to the emergency room of nearby Roosevelt Hospital and was pronounced dead on arrival at 11:07 pm. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Lennon
Auld Lang Syne (Old Long Since) |
2014/02/21 19:24 |
Il Silenzio |
2014/02/21 19:01 |
About six miles from Maastricht, in the Netherlands, lie buried 8,301 American soldiers who died in "Operation Market Garden" in the battles to liberate Holland in the fall and winter of 1944-5. Every one of the men buried in the cemetery, as well as those in the Canadian and British military cemeteries, has been adopted by a Dutch family who mind the grave, decorate it, and keep alive the memory of the soldier they have adopted. It is even the custom to keep a portrait of "their" American soldier in a place of honor in their home. Annually, on "Liberation Day," memorial services are held for "the men who died to liberate Holland." The day concludes with a concert. The final piece is always "Il Silenzio," a memorial piece commissioned by the Dutch and first played in 1965 on the 20th anniversary of Holland's liberation. It has been the concluding piece of the memorial concert ever since.
I was always impressed by the simple but beautiful sound of the Carillon in Arlington Memorial Park. The Carillon was gift from the people from Netherlands to the people of America. courtesy: Tzu Fann Shao 邵
想太多了 |
2013/04/28 23:00 |
託您的福 我也讀起這本書 就個人觀 也就是作者他的個人觀 她父親及她一生所見聞 不必過度解讀 一的人生很多事不是自己可以決定的 活在當下 做好自己 我是這樣想的
摸 象 或 (不?) 著 木目(mbr8879576) 於 2019-03-14 10:24 回覆: |
好过蒋匪军和共惨军 |
2013/04/24 11:07 |
张朴:只有日本人,能够救中国« 多维博客
摸 象 或 (不?) 著 木目(mbr8879576) 於 2014-02-21 20:11 回覆: |
Canada 常山龍 ?
(〝妳等會〞中國 婊弟 ? !)  