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2015/12/12 00:11:09瀏覽1059|回應3|推薦21 | |
『寧為雞口,無為牛後。』- 《戰國策·韓策一》 雖然 見仁見智﹐但是 或許 有關 種族岐視 ? ! 種族岐視 Chicken vs. Cattle 可是 美國 大法官 Antonin Scalia 閑話 用在 Fisher v. Texas, an affirmative action case﹐就成了 眾矢之的 ?! Abigail Fisher, the plaintiff in Fisher v. Texas, speaks outside the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington December 9, 2015. Scalia was questioning the attorney for the University of Texas, which is defending its use of race as a factor in admissions in the case before the court. "There are those who contend that it does not benefit African-Americans to get them into the University of Texas where they do not do well, as opposed to having them go to a less-advanced school, a less -- a slower-track school where they do well," Scalia said, according to the transcript. "One of the briefs pointed out that most of the black scientists in this country dont come from schools like the University of Texas." http://www.cnn.com/2015/12/09/politics/scalia-black-scientists-scotus 種族 不平等 問題 的 源頭 ? ! 猜想 是 上蒼 的 設計。 有如 中印 麥克馬洪線 衝突 源於 英國人設計。 至於 上蒼 的 原意 ? ! 猜想 是 “戲夢人生” ~ 為了 有戲可看。 當年 考大學﹐ 小老朽 陰錯陽差﹐不得已 用了此招﹐以 下駟對上駟﹐若進工學院則墊底﹐進了農學院﹐成了系狀元﹐之後人生某些關鍵處﹐可能 佔了便宜 ? ! 某青年才俊﹐用了此招﹐iBM 搞高科技﹐辛苦數年後 不幹了﹐去開 洗衣店 搞 Low Tech﹐結果 發了財 ~ 笑嘻嘻﹐『躺著幹?!』。 懇請不吝賜教 ? Shenandoah |
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