2022/05/21 11:12 |
MD said: 『probably because of money ..... 』 |
2019/04/29 18:07 |
Joe Tippens 2016年確診患上小細胞肺癌。醫生2017年1月告訴他已處於癌症末期,癌細胞已擴散至全身。在網上認識一名獸醫,後者建議他嘗試非傳統療法,也就是用狗藥治癌。 .... 毒性很微的抗蠕蟲化合物,用於治療狗體內的鉤蟲、蛔蟲和其他腸道寄生蟲,能將癌細胞「餓死」。 獸醫稱,一名科學家曾患第四期腦癌。她服用這種藥6周後,身上的癌細胞就消失了。一項曾在科學期刊《自然》(Nature)上發表的研究表明,抗蠕蟲藥或具抗癌特性。
『His next sentence almost floored me. He said, "You know, we've known for decades that these anthelmintic class of drugs (meaning to destroy parasites in the intestines) could have possible efficacy against cancer, and in fact in the 80's and 90's there was a drug called Levamisole that was used on colon cancer and it is an anthelmintic drug".
I said, "Doc, if you have known for decades why hasn't more work been done on it?" His answer was honest. He said, "probably because of money...all of these drugs are far off-patent and nobody is going to spend a gazillion dollars to repurpose them for cancer.....only to have generic competition the next day."』
How can we trust AMA ?
懇請不吝賜教? |
醫生罷工降低死亡率 !! |
2013/11/30 04:04 |
波美特拉博士(Dr.Bruce Pomerant)對80年代西方國家醫生罷工與死亡率下降的調查指出:死亡率的下降與醫生罷工日期的長短成正比。
美國全國醫學院聯盟(AAMC) ? |
2011/11/15 16:51 |
【世界日報╱編譯中心綜合14日報導】 2011.11.14 08:30 pm
Dilemma |
2011/05/05 09:24 |
US medical reform definitely is a dilemma. Increase medical school enrollment will resolve to an extend the demand problem and lower the medical cost which has been ridiculous high. However, this inevitably also will lower the quality of the medical care and having more medical negligence. Since doctors become poorer then as you mentioned, less attorneys willing to sue dr for malpractice (no $$ to sue), resulting in more medical negligence (dr does not have to worry law suit). It's important and necessary to find a balance point. But where is a balancing point?
Let's not forget another reason the medical fee so high is because too many attorneys in this country. Their fee is way higher than most of medical professions in this country. We all know majority the settlement go into attorney's pocket. A law suit cap should be placed on the medical practice to further lower the medical expenses.
摸 象 或 (不?) 著 木目(mbr8879576) 於 2011-05-05 23:32 回覆: |
當年 茅煮蓆 倡 赤脚医生,今日中國人口 世界第一!
如果 医生收入與医術 成正比,郭台銘 行的 愛么弟,辜振甫的長公子 不会病死。
Billionaire Warren Buffett says |
2010/03/04 08:57 |
health care costs are a major drain on U.S. businesses and act like an "economic tape worm."
The head of the holding company Berkshire Hathaway Inc. said Monday on CNBC that America's health care system needs fundamental reform to attack costs because it's not practical to continue devoting roughly 17 percent of the nation's gross domestic product to health care.
Buffett says much of the rest of the world is paying about 9 percent of their GDP on health care and have more doctors and nurses per person.
He says he hopes Congress will develop a new health care reform proposal that will restrict costs more than any of the current plans would.
03- 1-10 08:21 AM | Updated: 03- 2-10 07:45 AM
WATCH Warren Buffet talk health care On CNBC