mRNA 信使 (Messenger) 疫苗 |
2020/12/03 02:12 |
一种基于信使RNA技术的疫苗,正在美国FDA的绿色通道审批中。相比传统疫苗,它更安全、快速、副作用小,可以说是汽车和马车的区别。 这个技术不仅能生产疫苗,也能治疗中风、癌症、流感等。新冠疫情将这一技术的变革,提前了至少一代人。
这项技术的奠基人,Katalin Kariko,匈牙利裔美国科学家,也终于进入大众视野。 她已经在冷板凳上坐了近40年。30岁失去工作,漂洋过海赴美,被辞退,被降级、无数次申请经费被拒,终于等到了历史的机遇。 Katalin Kariko的人生,没有“容易”两个字。 她生在匈牙利,博士毕业后,在匈牙利南部城市Szeged,匈牙利科学院下属的生物研究中心工作。 Katalin Kariko痴迷于信使RNA。这是一种很特别的RNA,它告诉细胞,要为人体制造哪些蛋白质。理论上,如果能操控制造信使RNA,告诉它要制造哪些蛋白质,人类就能获得一个最厉害的武器,去抵抗疾病。 想法很美好,但这只是理论。人类对它的了解刚刚开始,在1980年代,这是一个远远还看不到成果的基础研究。 不出意外,没有科研成果的Katalin Kariko,在她30岁那年,被单位University of Szeged解雇了。 她想在欧洲找个近一点的工作,但一直未如愿。结果,只有位于遥远的美国宾夕法尼亚州的天普大学,给了她一个工作机会。 1985年的一天,她和丈夫带着才两岁多的女儿,踏上了赴美漂泊之路。 1989年,她加入宾大药学院。 那些年,是她职业生涯的最低谷,没有人相信她。 1995年,因为拿不到经费,没有项目,也没有成果,她在宾大又被降级到最低级别。
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mRNA 信使 (Messenger 疫苗 |
2020/12/03 02:06 |
疫苗的原理都一样,教人类的免疫系统起反应,来抗击外来病毒。 信使RNA疫苗,并不需要真正的病毒注射到人体,而是人造了一个RNA片段,引发人体同样的免疫反应,从而达到抗体的作用。 一是安全、副作用小。并没有真正的病毒注射到人体,只是激发了人体免疫反应,因此,人不可能因为注射病毒而感染病毒,副作用要小很多。 二是有效性强。一般的流感疫苗,只有超过50%的有效性。此前,医学界预计信使RNA疫苗有效性在60-70%。两家公司大规模试验接种结果显示,超过95%的有效性。 三是研发生产速度快。常规疫苗的制造,鸡蛋培育等过程需要几个月,信使RNA疫苗不需要这些步骤,大大加快了研发时间,只需几周时间。 唯一的问题,是储存分发。辉瑞的疫苗需要存储在极冷的环境中,在美国就有多个巨大的疫苗储存中心。 全程都需要隔温箱加干冰运输,但只要运到了医院,就能在普通的冰箱中保存5天。 新冠疫苗的分发,将是有史以来规模最大的。光是辉瑞公司,就计划每24小时20架飞机,在美国境内运送疫苗。 Moderna的保存条件没有这么苛刻,但也需要全程冷藏,而且,其生产能力没有辉瑞那么强大。
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Happy Thanksgiving 2020 |
2020/11/26 20:33 |
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10 Months 250,000 dead in USA |
2020/11/20 15:31 |
Thursday 11.19.2020 CNN
In less than 10 months, coronavirus has killed more than 250,000 people in the United States. That's more than strokes, suicides and car crashes typically do in a full year -- combined. Medical staff are overwhelmed with record hospitalizations, governors are rushing to issue restrictions on gatherings, and deaths are averaging the highest in months. Infections are mounting in major cities, a major setback after a spring spent battling the ravaging virus nationwide. The Texas border city of El Paso is paying inmates $2 an hour to help the Medical Examiner's Office move bodies of coronavirus victims. New York City's school system -- the largest in the country with over 1 million students -- is closing and transitioning students to remote learning. Health experts are warning that if Americans don't get more serious about wearing masks and avoiding careless socializing, the rate of deaths will increase.
South Korea Covid-19 death 501 with population 55.6million ~ USA death could be 3000. 因 Trump﹐about 250,000 American (包括他親弟弟) 冤枉 死。 ↓ ↓ ↓
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維他命D充足 不易感染新冠肺炎 |
2020/09/28 06:18 |
Hospitalized COVID-19 patients who were vitamin D sufficient, with a blood level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D of at least 30 ng/mL (a measure of vitamin D status), had a significant decreased risk for adverse clinical outcomes including becoming unconscious, hypoxia (body starved for oxygen) and death. In addition, they had lower blood levels of an inflammatory marker (C-reactive protein) and higher blood levels of lymphocytes (a type of immune cell to help fight infection).
“This study provides direct evidence that vitamin D sufficiency can reduce the complications, including the cytokine storm (release of too many proteins into the blood too quickly) and ultimately death from COVID-19,” explained corresponding author Michael F. Holick, PhD, MD, professor of medicine, physiology and biophysics and molecular medicine.
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春花秋月何時了, ..... |
2020/08/17 21:57 |
李後主: 春花秋月何時了, 往事知多少? 小樓昨夜又東風, 故國不堪回首月明中。 雕欄玉砌應猶在, 只是朱顏改。 問君能有幾多愁? 恰似 一江春水向東流!
網上閒人: 新冠病毒何時了, 疫情知多少? 小城昨夜又被封, 各國不堪回首抗疫中。 口罩酒精應猶在, 只是沒處買。 問君能有幾多愁? 就怕發燒確診被扣留!
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冰凍 新冠 病毒 不死,冬眠,春風吹又生? |
2020/06/19 23:26 |
Coronavirus Beijing: Why an outbreak sparked a salmon panic in China。
06 18 2020 BBC Last Thursday, Beijing reported its first virus case after 57 days without a locally-transmitted infection.
Since then, almost 150 cases have been confirmed - almost all of which have been linked to the city's largest wholesale market.
Traces of the virus were found on a chopping board used by a seller of imported salmon, said reports.
But some 40 samples from the market tested positive for the virus - some of which were not from chopping boards used to cut salmon, said a spokesman for Beijing's Municipal Health Commission.
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摸 象 或 (不?) 著 木目(mbr8879576) 於 2020-06-20 12:49 回覆: |