2019/10/02 16:35 |
哦 ? ! 反啦 ? |
2019/09/16 23:53 |
「對不起,我讓你們失望了!我決定不參與2020連署競選總統。」~ 郭台銘
『投身選戰以來,我看到的卻是一些政治人物為了私利,挑起階級、仇恨、對立等民粹。』 ~ 郭台銘
似乎 沒 听 媽祖 的話 ? !  
也有可能 來托夢的 是 〝詐騙〞 的邪灵 ? !  
懇請不吝賜教? |
一副绝妙对联,道尽人生之境 |
2019/09/13 14:29 |
若不撇开终是苦 各自捺住即成名 横批:撇捺人生
摸 象 或 (不?) 著 木目(mbr8879576) 於 2019-09-14 20:17 回覆: |
兩腿一伸﹐雙眼一閉﹐挂啦 !
人生 種總﹐過眼雲煙﹐鏡花水月﹐黃梁一夢。
Without Love (There Is Nothing) ~ Tradução
碧草如茵的家園 Green Green Grass Of Home - Tom Jones
摸 象 或 (不?) 著 木目(mbr8879576) 於 2019-09-14 20:26 回覆: |
『Four Gray Walls around me』 ← Jail ? Coffin ? 三長兩短 ? 棺材 啦 ? ! 
玩歸玩,勞民傷財! |
2019/09/13 14:18 |
The case occurred in ∼530 BC:
Darius The Great (King of Persian) was invading Scythia and demanding Scythia to send him gifts of earth and water. The Scythia king sent him a bird, a mouse , a frog, and five arrows.
Darius The Great thought that the Scythians were surrendering with objects as symbols of earth and water: a mouse was born of the earth while a frog lived in water, and a bird was like nothing so much as a horse. As for the arrows, they were only tokens of Scythian valour.
What the King of Scythia was really saying was this : "Unless you should become birds and fly away up into the sky, or become mice and burrow down into the earth, or become frogs and leap into the lakes, you will never make it home - for you will be shot down by our arrows.
Darius's 700,000 Persian troops never defeated Scythia.
It's imperative not to misread the messages one received.
不是媽祖託夢, |
2019/09/13 04:33 |
摸 象 或 (不?) 著 木目(mbr8879576) 於 2019-09-13 05:21 回覆: |
媽祖 本尊 駐 福建 媚州。 或許 分身 駐 北京 中南海 辦事處 ?