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2013/09/05 08:57:21瀏覽390|回應1|推薦9 | |
朋友轉來<永不凋謝的鳶尾花>一文,是記者采訪美國華裔作家張純如的母親張盈盈女士的報道文章,刊載在2013-08-28貴州日報上( http://gzrb.gog.com.cn/system/2013/08/28/012629966.shtml)。 張純如1997年出版了《南京大 屠殺》一書,揭露二戰時期日本士兵在南京奸淫屠殺中國老百姓的悲慘故事,連續5個月被列為《紐約時報》的最佳暢銷書,引起西方世界的關注。張純如後來因受這些殘酷史實的刺激,加上不眠不休的工作壓力,患上了嚴重的憂郁症,於2004年舉槍自殺,才活了36歲。當時我曾寫了下面這首題為〈一定有人哭泣〉,在她的追悼會上朗誦。 一定有人哭泣 ──悼作家張純如 一定有人哭泣 在這樣的黃昏 風從西邊來 雨從西邊來 而她就是忍不住 頭一個哭泣的那個人 對著一堆堆 歷史的白骨 人間的不義與緘默 而她就是一開了頭 便止不住哭泣的那個人 人類的罪惡 冰峰般矗立在她四周 把她籠罩在重重陰影裡 使她窒息 一定有人哭泣 在這樣的黃昏 風從西邊來 雨從西邊來
-- for Iris Chang someone must be crying in such an evening wind coming from the west rain coming from the west and she is the one who can’t hold her tears after seeing so many piles of white bones in history the injustice and the dead silence of the world and she is the one who once starts crying cannot stop human sins surround her like icebergs choke her with their oppressive shadows someone must be crying in such an evening wind coming from the west rain coming from the west *Iris Chang was a Chinese-American writer who in 1997 published a book entitled, The Rape of Nanking: The Forgotten Holocaust of World War II,telling the story of the murder of more than 250,000 defenseless civilians by the invading Japanese army. She later committed suicide due to severe depression.
( 心情隨筆|雜記 ) |