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只是當時已惘然 / 金山海邊
2010/05/04 13:41:14瀏覽468|回應0|推薦15

負面的情緒, 如惡浪般侵襲, 任人無法阻擋.
苛責的壓力, 像巨石般窘迫, 叫人難以喘息.


幾次深陷死胡同, 迷惘猶疑、心煩意亂、甚至不如歸去之際,
總有貴人相助, 或是素昧平生, 或是至親好友, 一語驚醒夢中人,
跨越鴻溝, 突破困境.

"得之於人者太多, 出之於己者太少"

感謝所有安慰鼓勵和伸出援手的人們, 不論是心靈上或行動上.
愧對曾經無心傷害卻隱然形成的人們, 不管是精神上或言語上.

最美好的結果是相安無事, 皆大歡喜.
若不得不抉擇, 只能祈求一方的寬恕與原諒, 讓時間沖淡不快, 撫平傷痕.

心中的太陽是燦爛耀眼, 還是被烏雲遮蔽, 唯有自己能選擇、決定.

網友推薦一首情歌: Love Changes Everything
的確, 愛使人堅強, 勇敢面對一切苦楚和磨難.
也只有愛, 能化解無謂的爭端, 重拾最初的感動與深情.



"Love Changes Everything" 與大家分享 :

Love, love changes everything,
hands and faces, earth and sky
Love, love changes everything,
How you live and how you die
Love, can make the summer fly,
Or a night seem like a lifetime
Yes love, love changes everything,
Now I tremble at your name
Nothing in the world will ever be the same

Love, love changes everything,
Days are longer, words mean more
Love, love changes everything,
Pain is deeper, than before
Love, will turn your world around,
And that world will last forever
Yes, love, love changes everything,
Brings you glory, brings you shame
Nothing in the world will ever be the same

Off into the world we go,
Planning futures, shaping years
Love bursts in and suddenly,
All our wisdom disappears
Love, makes fools of everyone,
All the rules we make are broken
Yes, love, love changes everything,
live or perish, in its flame
Love will never ever let you be the same
Love will never ever let you be the same

** 金山海邊 2005.9.25 **
( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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