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bRUcE aLMighTY…
2007/04/15 18:54:08瀏覽578|回應0|推薦2

This is not a new movie and I just watch the re-run on TV. I am not a fan of Jim Carry. His over the top performance is not really my type. However, I like the idea of movie.

The movie is about Jim Carry plays the character Bruce, who has always wants to be the news anchor man not just a field reporter. However, when job opportunity comes up he did not get it. He blames anything on God, so God – Morgan Freeman who has come to his aid. God has given him all the power that God has. But, there is a catch. Bruce can not tell anyone he is God. Also he can not mess with anyone’s “free will”. In the process of conquer his dream to become news anchor man, he lost his true love – Grace, plays by Jennifer Aniston. Now, left with all the power but can not affect Grace’s free will. He is set on the quest to win her heart back.

The part I like the most, it’s when Bruce finally becomes the new anchor, but the city has riot breakout, and he ask God for help. However, all God did is ask him to help mop the floor. When Bruce asks for help again, God only tell him “There are a lot of people looking up in the sky for answers to their problem.” In another word, if you want to fix something, do it yourself.

How many of us do the same thing? We relay on someone else or something else to solve our problem, whether it is God or drugs or money or power. I know no one is perfect and everyone make mistakes. But, if we reply on someone else or something else and never really looking into ourselves to find out what is wrong, how could we fix it? Most of the time, it is easier to find a short term solution or blame something else or even someone else. However, how long can it last?

I am not saying have no faith in God, but you need to help yourself before others can help you. If we all be a bigger person, and looking into ourselves to find the problem. If the problem has already created some mess, then own up to it. Clean it up, if there are people you need to apologies, then apologies. Do whatever it takes to make things right.  




( 休閒生活影視戲劇 )
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